Joint Summer Camps for youth of China, Afghanistan and Pakistan proposed

Islamabad, October 21: Executive Director of Pakistan-China Institute, Mustafa Hyder Sayed has proposed that Pakistan, China and Afghanistan should enable their youth to interact on rotational basis in the border areas. He asked for a Joint Trilateral Youth Summer Camps of students and youth of the three neighbors to assemble by rotation in Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan, Xinjiang province in China and the Wakhan region of Afghanistan.
The proposal was made by the Pakistan-China Institute Executive Director Mustafa Hyder Sayed as part of a strategy for enhancing cooperation between China, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Four other proposals were also made at the conclusion of a two-day dialogue held in this regard.
The other proposals were;
- Trilateral Dialogue, conceived, planned & launched by the Pakistan China Institute, has now been institutionalised with the Islamabad Trilateral Dialogue; the first held in Beijing in August last and the Trilateral Dialogue will convene in Kabul, next year.
- Joint Trilateral Counter Terrorism Task Force be established between the three neighbors to share information, intelligence, coordinate policy and strategy to combat terrorism, which should meet quarterly in rotation in each of the three countries.
- Joint Trilateral Task Force for promoting the Central Asia Economic Belt and Pakistan-China Economic Corridor, to include the three neighbors, with projects which can be of mutual benefit to the communities along the corridor and peoples of the three countries. Trilateral Business Council, involving the private sectors, be established to promote this.
- Trilateral Media Conference to be convened annually to promote communication and better understanding amongst print, electronic and Social Media, including Bloggers, of China, Afghanistan and Pakistan, with training workshops and joint reporting initiatives about each other’s countries reinforced by regular exchanges of journalists.