By: Sultan Alam, Faculty AKU-IED, PDCN
Think about some of the important aspects about Education. The most important question is that “is it possible to have a normal and a prosperous life without having an education?”. I think the response may simply be “very difficult” or even “impossible”. So, education plays a critical and most important role in our lives. We must dedicate most of our time to education in order to have a stable and a better future.
Now, let’s see how we become educated or what the main sources of education are. Education not only comes from the book s and school teachers, but most importantly we gain knowledge and experience by socializing our lives. I consider education to be the set of knowledge and skills required to survive in life.
Here, school plays the crucial role in education. It provides the most essential knowledge and skill elements. Schools not only teach about the basic things such as arithmetic, mathematics, history and other subjects, but it also prepares us to enter the more sophisticated life. In schools we get to know more people; by socializing with other students we get more life experiences and knowledge of what’s going on around. In fact, pre-school would be the first to go through in education before the actual school. Far too many young people are struggling through school without having mastered the most essential and basic skills in reading. Results from the 2000 National Assessment for Educational Progress have indicated that over 85 percent of all fourth-graders in high-poverty schools scored below the proficient reading level. Without breaking this chain of educational system we would not be able to advance. One must go through each step of education in life in order to succeed in academic life.
In addition to formal schooling, friends and family members also play a significant role in education. As education is not only the required knowledge of school and college subjects, friends and family too provide us with the knowledge and skills required to efficiently manage the life. I think it is important to have a group of close friends and relatives around us. We will always learn something new from them; no matter in what stages of education.
The true wealth of any nation is its people, they lay the foundations for a possible economic and social prosperity. But whether the citizens will be able to become valuable members of the society depends mainly on the education they had because education enlightens the mind, and prepares them to meet with the future demands. That is why I believe that every government should make its first responsibility to provide adequate public education for all children, so that the country can prosper and at the same time improve the citizen’s life status.
It is well known that our whole world has changed dramatically in the past few years. The technological improvement is rapid, and if any country wants to achieve economic prosperity it is important not only to adjust its education system in a way that meets the needs of our age, but also ensures that a higher education is accessible to every student. After all, we must not forget that we live in a time where only workers with the skills needed in the new good jobs will participate in the prosperity accompanying economic growth.
In a nut shell, we live in such a dynamic society where change is quite abrupt. We came up with certain hurdles which demand the real execution of professional aptitudes. This is the modern era, a globalized village with rapid technological developments. To meet the challenges of this modern era, we need to equip ourselves with real education and to occupy a dignified place in the map of the world.
Human Resource Development through WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION for all is now feasible in our region, not only in 14 CENTERS ESTABLISHED BY PDCN but many similar facilities by KADO, GOVERNMENT and SELF HELP EFFORTS. For details see
I appeal to all readers to study and see this concept and replicate in their village or TANZIM.
This post proposes a ROAD-MAP with the aim of goading the populations in the region to start a journey which can result in a desirable situation for the present and coming generation:
Start the First Step
March towards global leadership will involve following steps:
a. ENERGY: 100-MW in next 20-years through proposed “HUNZA POWER SUPPLY COMPANY” – A joint ownership of all HUNZUKUTZ through their LSOs – idea demonstrator project working in KHURUKUSHAL KHAN since September 2013.
b. HUMAN RESOURCES: Through LIFELONG LEARNING CENTERS/OPEN UNIVERSITIES, first one – SASLLC/OPEN UNIVERSITY– already in operation in Government Model High School Karimabad.
i. STEPS in developing HR:
1. Determine your aptitude through an ON-LINE course – Example on this link: AptitudeTest Online Course
2. Choose a subject/specialty out of the 25,516 courses through SASLLC, example link: CONSORTIUM.
3. Download the COACHING material and go for your specialty.
NOTE: All education is FREE OF ANY COST
4. For details of the ROAD-MAP go through the remaining post.