Endeavors of Ghulkin Youth Association to bridge the generation divide

By Abdul Ali
The bulging youth population has been termed a change agent in our country, be they politicians or academicians. The former, unfortunately, more often misused their energy or put them on to destructive course for their political mileage. On the contrary the latter prepare them to brave vicissitudes and vagaries in life. The destiny and heritage of any nation squarely lies as to how safely her present generation has gripped the tide in their favor. In this very space, the Ghulkin Youth Association relayed to its wider audience the undercurrents of its maiden moot past couple of weeks.

The aim of second moot, held on 30th November 2014, was an interactive dialogue and discussion among elders and youths on performance appraisals, setting future directions, putting forward innovative ideas for progress of the society. Issues talked ranged from misperception and level of understanding at different level of mass, making pretty stifling talks a fearsome giant making round the town. In the face of such perplexing predicament, the meeting very pertinently noted and applauded posthumously the social services rendered by two of iconic legendry personalities-Ali Jahuar and subaltern Noor Ghulam, who made social service an article of their faith and served the village to the best of their abilities. The extension to social welfare activities and developmental services rendered for village commune was recalled with fond memories, greatly eulogized but noted melancholy and with heavy grief such keen sense of altruism missing these days. May God rest their souls in perennial peace in heaven above (Ameen). The first president of All India Muslim League, the Aga Khan III said “young people ought to be explained that besides lucrative jobs, there should be aim of service to the community. A man’s chief capital is time and that if he wastes time, he wastes his greatest asset which can never be recouped.”
The present team presented its annual action plans, highlighted financial position, sought review and feedback so that future decisions are made with fairness and sound judgment. Among large number of village youths ,few well-known faces; Mohammad Aslam , Gul Baig, Safder Khan, Sarfraz Shah, Jabbar Khan studded the event. All these experienced hands enlivened the session with their kaleidoscopic lens and floatation of considerate opinions.
Mohammad Aslam; a religious orator par excellence said “the society in its entirety is facing multidimensional problem-educational issues_ tertiary to higher level, misgivings frivolous apprehension et al. There is dire need for removal of negative perception and misunderstanding by increasing level of comprehension through communication of informed opinions. Trophy hunting is brought under the purview of wildlife conservation organization to conserve bio diversity and avoidance from relentless depletion of wild life. Causes to most of these rifts and frictions are solely because of misunderstanding and miscommunication among people. An anonymous poet has put it as.
وہ بات سارے فسانے میں جس کا ذکر نہ تھا
وہ بات اُن کو بہت ناگوار گزری ہے
He was emphatic that angriness and negative aggression of youth is a destructive force, reining in at climax of one’s youth is much must . He questioned if you are irritated by every rub, how you will be polished? In this age of information technology, channel for dissemination of verified and authentic information be through proper, reliable and responsible authority. Unverified and half- baked information conveyed to mass engenders suspicion and suspense. He was optimistic that such perception can be removed by close interaction of energetic and educated youth with positivity among all strata of society. Creation of unity among people is clarion call of time so that well intentioned and well-meaning messages are not perceived negatively or termed dictation. He advised to listen with ear of tolerance, see through the eyes of compassion, and speak with the language of love.
Gul Baig opined that an organization should not outmaneuver beyond its defined limit or mandate and unsolicited suggestion or comments should be avoided. Young people must appreciate the beauty of old age. The old people were once young. Step by step approach should be taken for resolution of issues either complicated or simple .For well execution of a plan, the anticipated target and goalpost must be set at level which are doable and achievable .The speaker is civil servant who might has seen lofty plans being prepared in government departments which never see light of the day and remains on the official papers on which it is typed. The government now believes small is beauty. Unless public psyche is molded through informed opinion, to all these action plans there is natural anticipatory public reaction. However young generation should have pragmatic approach and act as catalyst and change agent with their professional skills and expertise for village people.
Srafraz Shah appreciated initiatives of GYAG and said differing point of views be presented and conflicting issues be discussed over the table rather passing on the buck. One should restrain from indulgence in blame-game, backbiting which are height of hypocrisy. Nevertheless he expressed his concern over prevalent imbalance in society to indiscipline in the rank today’s youth. He reminded me of Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s famous couplet
حرف حق دل میں کھٹکتا ہے جو کانٹے کی طرح
آج اظہار کرے اور خلش مٹ جائے
Old ones should respect the energy of youths and youths should respect the experience of old ones. It takes a lot of coordination, collaboration and harmonious relationship among people and institutions to evolve into a consolidated body and work in cordial and conciliatory manner. Youth is expected to put their effort, time, energy and noble ideas as and when needed or called for. Use your youth to do something useful or unique or ultimate.
Safder Khan expressed his view with an optimistic note with the advice that mission and vision of youth association should be of having supporting and facilitating role; when called for, rather than putting their views in others throat. Identifying areas where actionable steps need to be taken like financial hardship of students who are unable to foot their academic fees, documentation and study of relevant parallel organizations, determining whether or not true representatives have coordination with committees and communions and represent his organization at regional level. If the youth at multiple levels work with defined role and responsibilities with due diligence and sense of duty, it would be an integral and inseparable instrument to accelerate progress in society. He likened his vision for the youngsters what Iqbal has said
اُس قوم کو شمشیر کی حاجت نہیں رہتی
ہو جس کے جوانوں کی خودی صورتِ فولاد
But the creation of congenial atmosphere for resolution of prickling issues facing a society needs to take all stakeholders on board and on the same page.
Jabbar khan stressed on analysis of cause and consequences when society comes to certain point where progress comes to grinding halt and stagnation becomes its fate. In such scenario teens should undertake literacy, learning and community based solidarity initiatives, advocating development agendas, give input and feedback. Perform documentation, monitoring and evaluation to develop internal policy and systems development aimed at improving the organizations’ internal efficiency and effectiveness, carry out internal planning exercises taking appropriate stakeholders on board, develop proposals for submission to the donor agencies and partners, and undertake capacity development of the team itself.
President charted plans for upcoming calendar year with prize distribution, an informative tour to different developmental organization for women folks, need assessment of student assistant and its financial implication, training of teachers with institutional help and coordination ,building consensuses on the idea for amalgamation of existing seven organizations into a single umbrella not-for profit entity, celebrating women specific events-mother day and picnicking, conducting meetings on regular footing with village elders to remove communication barriers, conducting student education sessions and arranging programs on capacity building of local organizations, creating a bridge between volunteers and scouts, making ancillary provision of logistics for such philanthropic cause.
In summary, the event proved helpful to gauge the feeling of older generation and passion of youths for change and progress. But a passionate and energetic youth Mr. Sher Khan, ex-finance secretary, missed the party; some outburst in between the lines might have been directed to this vocal critic. I would like to remind Iqbal’s line
تندی باد مخالف سےنہ گھبرا اے عقاب
یہ تو چلتی ہے تجھےاُونچا اُڑنے کے لئے
The writer is an ACMA and media member on managing committee of the Youth Association. He can be accessed at gyag.ghulkin@gmail.com