Gilgit - Baltistan

PTI policies regarding elections in Gilgit-Baltistan discussed

Islamabad: Hashmat Ullah, Convener  of Pakistan Tahreek Insaf Gilgit-Baltistan, met the members of ISF Gilgit-Baltistan Zone Islamabad on Friday at Mehrban House PTI-49 Office.

Scores of participants along with the cabinet of PTI G-B briefly discussed the policies of the party in the coming elections of Gilgit Baltistan.

“Our party is working to change the system of politics in the region; we are concerned for educating the youth and masses of Gilgit Baltistan”, said Hashmat. He added that the party is working on youth awareness, and building a good platform for the Youths of G-B.

Zafar Iqbal President ISF G-B Islamabad zone explained the youth’s expectations from the Party and assured complete support and participation of the youth of ISB zone in the up coming elections of G-B.

“Intellectuals and prominent political figures from G-B are joining the party on daily basis, it shows the willingness of the people of the Region for change and new Gilgit –Baltistan”, said President PTI Gilgit -Baltistan.

Najeeb Ullah Khan from ISF G-B Lahore zone focused on Youth involvement in the coming elections. He said that youth should be given a proper quota to contest from the party and nominations of the candidate must be on merit.

Aziz Ahmad President PTI Hunza-Nagar appreciated the efforts of ISB G-B zone. Youth are the asset of the region; their expectation will be fulfilled and will give a wide space for youth of G-B to participate in the coming elections.

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One Comment

  1. Before the elections all the parties promise for the development of our area specially working for the youth but after winning the forget their promise. Every party is given a chance in Gilgit baltistan zone now lets try this one. As youth is more involved in PTI so lets just hope that this change will bring a real change & will work for the development of our area. Long Live Gilgit Baltistan

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