Open letter to govt of Pakistan from a young Kalash activist

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My name is Luke Rehmat I am patriotic Pakistani since my birth. I never came from any place I am member of Indigenous peoples of Kalash community. The only aboriginal community declared by UN-ECOSOC convention. I feel insecure every day. I doesn’t fear that someone will kill me, because I believe I have been created for a specific purpose in the world, I believe whatever would be cause of my death that would be written for me when I was created. I know that no one have authority to kill and create human like me except my Creator (Dezau). I do not fear about the consequences because I have strong determination and there is no hidden agenda in my Life except working for the survival of my culture and wellbeing of humanity.
I am really confused who I am in front of the world, my state has been forced me to die being a religion, being a culture, being a tradition and being an indigenous community. All official documents have been indicated difference for me that created confusion and disparity inside me and the 4000 small community of Kalash. In some papers it’s mentioned as others, while on birth certificate we forced to show Budhist, I have been informed higher-ups serval times since last two years but no one seems interested to solve my problem.
I feel insecure because my existence being an indigenous community never accepted by Government of Pakistan. The fear becomes reality when I and my Kalash delegations looted in Lahore by uniform people on 30 Jan 2015 upon our arrival in Lahore. That was not incident it was pre-planned by state.
There were other ways to stop the delegation to go for the conference as we were staying in Islamabad for more than 10 days. We are not terrorist we did nothing wrong, all process were coordination with line departments wether in Islamabad or abroad.
But I am confused that where are my basic rights? I am confused of state miss handling small things and forcing me to break the silence. I confused because I always fought for better Pakistan and in return I have been attacked up arrival and my delegates were looted. I confused because I have been victim of injustice.
I unable to understand the logic behind attacked on Kalasha delegation, my heart has been broken in front of the inhuman behaviour, it’s not new in a place where I am stranger it wouldn’t have happened but It has created so many question and fears for survival. I confused all fails when it comes to state own terrorism. We were stopped on gun points, I had urged all delegates to cooperate with police we didn’t showed any resistance otherwise they could have been shoot us.
At the end I would like to thank all those who condemned this barbarism and remembered us in their prayers.
What was my fault I was leading delegation to represent Pakistan at an International Conference and gathering of elders that isn’t my basic rights?
I am leaving here some question for government of my country:
1. Why passport is issuing to Kalash peoples? If they don’t have any right to visit with it…
2. Why we are forcefully stopped on gun point although we haven’t done anything wrong in long history and world knows us a peaceful community…
3. Who will be responsible of financial and mental tortures we have been victim.
4. Where we can take our pleas/grievance
5. Why we don’t have political space since birth of the country? While other minorities have been elected in assemblies where legislators make certain laws for their protection..
6. Billons could be spending on national parks; shrines could be inscribed on world heritage sites but no funds for Kalasha as UN world heritage side but why?
7. I fear a clear discrimination in all sectors and I would like to request concerns to take the case seriously with guns and kills that couldn’t seems right way to solve issues, otherwise terrorist have been success in their mission. So think differently and solve our issues and eliminate our fears and confusions!!
we strongly condemn the incidence happened with u.we love u kailash community…….in pakistan no body is safe except takfiri groups
All these discriminatory incidents are leading Pakistan towards isolation from world communities and create a false dogmatized society. Kalash and the like have the same rights as mainstream citizens of Pakistan. Should there be any action against the culprits who have targeted these innocent Kalash delegates?
What a wrong direction we have as a nation…what a pity?
Hi there… I feel deeply for you…. Opression is getting more and more mainstream in Pakistani politics… Beauty of Pakistan lies in its mulitcultural people… the Kelashis are an amazing people… They must be provided security and a sense of ownership so they can in turn strengthen Pakistan… These politics whose policies make people of Pakistan feel insecure are traitors to the country…
Pakistanis should strive to protect the Kalash people as they have deep cultural roos and a culture going back unchanged for several thousand years. The mullahs want to change all that. If they had their way, the Kalash would become just another brick on the wall.
No boubt people of kalash are very very peacefull , i m so sory about what happened in lahore with you.Not a single person is safe in pakistan but never lose hope.
Very unfortunate for the kalash to be treated this way……is it another step towards ethnic cleansing?
only sorry and excues is not the solution of that mater , need to come out the civel socity to raise the voice of kalashi people ,
You should write an open letter to Imran Khan.
All these discriminatory incidents are leading Pakistan towards isolation from world communities and create a false dogmatized society. Kalash and the like have the same rights as mainstream citizens of Pakistan. Should there be any action against the culprits who have targeted these innocent Kalash delegates?
What a wrong direction we have as a nation…what a pity?
As we are habitual of having such incidence in our beautiful country. So dont be desperate and be optimistic. Use electronic and print media. Raise this issue again and again. God will help you