Reality and Myths Associated With The Issue of “Constitutional Status of GB”

By Brigadier (r) Hissamullah Baig
Not downplaying the importance and the emotional appeal, I look at this issue [of constitutional status] as follows:
There would be a member from each of the districts in the national assembly and a maximum of two members in the senate. If we go by the practices of successive political governments, each of these representatives will be allocated budget in the range of 10-20 million.
Compare this with the regular allocations/special packages that GB has recieved from the central government with the special status for the past so many years with the per capita figures for each citizen enjoying the constitutional status under provincial governments in KPK, Punjab, Sind and Baluchistan.
Commensurate impact of the allocated resources on each citizen depends on the mechanism as well as CHARACTER of the individuals made responsible for delivery.
This is precisely the reason that I am advocating integration of “Civil Society In the Delivery Chain Rather Than Harping On the Emotional Slogans Appealing To A Large Majority”.
I am no less a nationalist than those claiming with loud voices and enjoying sympathetic coverage in the corridors and press of the WORLD POWERS.
As for the other opportunities of a constitutionally covered citizen in areas of human endeavor such as seats /scholarships in professional institutions, civil service, commerce, industry, service in the armed forces etc. I do not see any discrimination or lack of opportunity for the citizens of GB throughout the country.
So do not be aroused and carried away to the extent that you become a NUISANCE to the country and our sympathetic neighbor who wants to use KKH for its economy and ENERGY CORRIDOR.
Also posted HERE
Pakistan should stop asking for resolution of kashmir? If pakistan does not give representation to kashmiris and gilgitstan.
I think pakistan should bring UN resolution to complete.
Pakistan should ask UN to give self determination in gilgitstan and ajk.
In the plebiscite pakistan should promise representationfor the people.
Ask UN to give plebiscite? Then ask them to give free fair plebiscite in occupied kashmir?
If they can’t promise plebiscite in srinagar? pakistan should ask UN to vacate their office because they have fulfilled their duties.
Pakistan had ended dispute by giveing fair plebiscite.
Pakistan should merge chitral into gilgit.
Make it Gilgitstan province. Give the people fair share because they have proven their loyalty.
Pakistan should work on integrating western provinces that need to be unified and not divided.
Balochistan should be made into three provinces.
ziarat/kalat & makran.
Give the people more power and resources and development.
So people will not look for blochistan issues.
Gilgitstan issues.
This economic corridor should go thru these three western provinces so they get developed.
Pakistan should not lose opportunity to bring these hopeless people out of misery.
Then we will have flourishing pakistan.
two khushab provinces [north [south]
punjab renamed khushab with two capitals
at rawalpindi and lahore
sindh renamed kashmore with two capitals
two kashmore provinces[north] [south]
sindh and punjab have suffered enough. with new name we will bring all nationalities together for peace.
so the people will not resent against punjab. Think of like half pakistan.
Gilgitstan should have access to tajikistan market thru road network.
All pakistanis need to work together to save & develop pakistan to maximum potential. If we disregard one region. while give benefits to the other. we lose unified pakistan because of selfish desire.
Also read these extracts from the comments of an MEP: The MEP informed the audience about the partnership which has developed between the advocacy groups of Gilgit-Baltistan and the representatives of the EUP. He said that the partnership has helped promote the cause of self determination of Gilgit-Baltistan and highlighted the plight of the people.http://hisamullahbeg.blogspot.com/…/international…
HUNZA DEVELOPMENT FORUM: International Designs in GB
RELATE: http://hisamullahbeg.blogspot.com/2011/08/hunza-muttahid-hey-call-to-people-of.html