FeaturedGB Elections 2015
It’s official: People of Gilgit-Baltistan will vote on 8th June

Islamabad: The people of Gilgit-Baltsitan will vote on the 8th of June, after 50 days. The Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan has issued a notification to confirm the polling date.
According to KA&GB officials, 8th June has been fixed as the polling day in light of the recommendations of the Gilgit-Baltistan Election Commission.
The Commission will release a detailed schedule for the the different processes and steps leading to the polling day.
Inshallah I will initiate mass contacts after endorsement of name proposed for consideration of LSO NETWORK in Hunza.
It will involve only TKN and no honest or sponsored money will be INVESTED in the campaign, so that there are no post election attempts to retrieve a windfall amount from such an investment. Any investment must go towards facilitating KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY (and Energy)