Pakistan Peace Mission Cycling rally starts from Khunjrav

By Israr Salahuddin
Passu: Pakistan peace mission cycling rally started today from Khunjerav, Sino-Pak border. The rally has been organized by District Cycling Association Faisalabad, Pakistan. Through the peace cycling rally, the participants want to communicate message of peace, unity and prosperity for all the citizens of Pakistan.
Cyclists from Faisalabad reach Gilgit to start All Pakistn TourCyclists from Faisalabad (Punjab) have reached Gilgit to travel up to Khunjerab Pass, from where they will embark on an All Pakistan Cycling Tour, with the message of peace, love and unity. They will travel through GB, KPK, the Punjab, Sindh, Gawadar (Balochistan) and finish their tour at Mazar-e-Quaid, Karachi. Reported by Abdul Rehman Bukhari Cameraman: Munawar Hussain Nagri
Posted by PAMIR TIMES on Friday, 27 November 2015