GB Women Development Directorate and AKRSP organizing “Women Day” event in Gilgit

Ainoon Aleem
Gilgit: International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8th March. It is an internationally recognized event and a global celebration which aims to inspire women across the world.
Women Development Directorate (WDD) in collaboration with Aga Khan Rural Support Program, Gilgit has planned out an event on 8th March at Serena Hotel,Gilgit to commemorate the International Women’s Day.
A meeting, attended by officials from AKRSP, WDD, HRCP, Rehnuma Foundation and 20 other NGOs, was held at Women Development Directorate on 6th March to discuss the big event a. A charter of demand has been planned in the meeting which includes social and legal issues of our women and it will be presented to the members of GB Assembly on 8th March at the event. GB Governor is likely to be the chief guest.
The event will take place from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at Serena Hotel,Gilgit.Handicrafts and food stalls will be available.To ensure the participation of women from all over Gilgit, special bus service will be provided from Jutial,Konodas,Danyore,Bazaar area and Basin.