
India’s ridiculous propaganda campaign against Gilgit-Baltistan

By Haider Ali Khan

Indian newspapers and websites have been busy churning fictitious table ‘stories’, in a desperate bid to portray the people of Gilgit-Baltistan opposing the CPEC intervention. Every now and then, newspapers and websites post stories that make us laugh in Gilgit-Baltistan.

The newspaper stories use terms and phrases like ‘protest against China’ and ‘CPEC’ in Gilgit-Baltistan, ‘simmering rebellion’, ‘violence’, ‘troubled region’ etc. etc.

Today, after reading some reports, i talked to my journalist friends back home, to know if there had been any protest during the last week, as reported by some Indian news outlets. They said no such protest had taken place, and that the Indians seem to manufacturing lies, in utter desperation.

I was surprised. How can Indian newspapers and websites lie to such an extent?

There’s no denying of the fact that Gilgit-Baltistan’s residents yearn for greater representation in the national parliament of Pakistan, and for integration of their region, but never has ever been even a single protest against China and CPEC in the region.

There are protests, and demands for getting compensation in a timely manner for land being used for different project, or for greater share in the CPEC projects and revenues, as well as representation in the National Finance Commission, or Council of Common Interest. But, so far there has not been any protest in Gilgit-Baltistan region opposing the CPEC project, or China.

These stories coming out from the Indian propaganda machine are nothing more than figments of their imagination, and a very poor reflection on their journalistic ethics and acumen.

Gilgit-Baltistan demands integration in Pakistan, as evident from the multiple resolutions of the GBLA, and this demand should be honored sooner than later.

India should not even dream of winning any support in Gilgit-Baltstan by trying to fool the people here, and the world community. We are aware of the Hindutva maniacs’ designs and wishes.

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