Aga Khan University Examination Board hosts third annual Principals’ Conference

Karachi: The Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) in partnership with the Oxford University Press (OUP) will host its third Principals’ Conference on October 11 in Karachi.
The Principals’ Conference will be attended by educational experts, policymakers and over 350 principals, senior teachers and school administrators from all over the country. The conference provides a unique opportunity for education leaders in Pakistan to network, and identify ongoing trends in education, as well as challenges and opportunities faced by schools across the country.
AKU-EB aims to support an ecosystem of innovative evidence based learning and teaching in Pakistan. The Conference was envisioned as a platform to share original education research at the school level and build the capacity of educators in the country to carry out research. Building upon last year’s success when AKU-EB presented its own research on diverse themes to over 400 educators from across Pakistan, this year the conference will showcase external research by participating institutions. Educators from all over Pakistan will present 6 oral presentations and 25 poster presentations on topics such as effective classroom assessment, enhancing student engagement and transformative leadership practices. In addition, a series of short talks under the titular umbrella of “Educators as Change Agents”, as well as a panel discussion called “Education for all – 2030” will take place.
Some of the speakers participating in this year’s conference include CEO of Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi and public policy specialist, Baela Jamil; founder and president of the Karachi Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Afaque Ahmed; founder and chairperson of Kiran Foundation, Sabina Khatri; Executive Director, Society for the Advancement of Education, Abbas Rashid; CEO of Funverks Global, Farhad Karamally; and other leaders in Pakistani education. Former chair of the European Council of International Schools English as a Second Language (ESL) & Mother-tongue Committee, Ethine Gallagher will deliver the keynote address, titled “Is Inspirational Pedagogy the Key to Preparing Children for Lifelong Learning?”