
Trust in State

Carl von Clausewitz, 19th-century European strategist, asserted that war is a continuation of policy with other means. In his famous book, On War, he introduced the concept of the Trinity. Trinity is composed of three elements: the people, the government, and the military. These three elements, when harmonized, determine the outcome of war. Being a major element of trinity, public trust in government and military is crucial for a state to achieve its desired objectives. When distrust exists between the government, military, and public, the state loses the Trinity. A state that fails to harmonize these elements cannot achieve desired outcomes, whether it fights against terrorism, extremism, economic crises, or foreign interventions.

Contemporary Pakistan stands at a critical juncture. The country faces a war-like situation. Its economy is in freefall. It struggles against cross-border terrorism, extremism, separatism, deep political polarization, gender discrimination, climate-induced disasters, and foreign interventions. Amidst these crises, where a strong Trinity is desperately needed, the state is losing a major element of Trinity  that is public trust.

The diminishing public trust in the state is evident in several ways. For example, when the state announced Operation Azm-e-Istehkam a few months ago, the public response was unsupportive. In many areas, people began protesting against the operation, showing their deep-seated skepticism toward the state.

Similarly, the ongoing exodus of skilled professionals and ordinary citizens seeking better opportunities abroad clearly indicates that people have lost their trust in the state. Many Pakistanis are willing to face any consequences to secure a better future abroad. This widespread distrust suggests that people largely believe the state has failed, prompting them to prioritize their own survival. Those who can convert their savings into dollars are doing so, while talented youth are eager to emigrate as soon as possible.

The loss of trust in state by today’s youth is particularly concerning. If the fading of public trust in state left unaddressed, it can destabilize the state’s foundations. This declining trust can lead to a situation where citizens no longer respect or abide by the law, resulting in increased crime and disorder. This will not only destabilize the political landscape but also endanger innocent civilians.

Trust erodes when critical public service institutions, such as the judiciary, ministries, regulatory bodies, and line departments at the federal and provincial levels, fail to uphold the rule of law and deliver effective services. Poor economic performance and the inability to build an equitable governance system have widened the wealth gap, creating resentment among the people. Citizens blame the state for supporting exploitative forces. Moreover, scandals involving high-ranking officials, like the recent allegations against former DG ISI Faiz Hameed, have further eroded public trust in state machinery.

Ralph Waldo Emerson rightly stated, “Before we acquire power, we must acquire wisdom to use it well.” In Pakistan, the blatant politicization and misuse of state power against dissent groups and political opponents erode the state’s legitimacy in the eyes of the people. When law enforcement becomes a tool for political ends, it ceases to serve its primary purpose of upholding law and order impartially, disrupting public trust in the state and the Trinity.

For much of Pakistan’s history, our political elites have always promoted political polarization and politics of accusations. While accusations may not always be grounded in reality, they nonetheless affect citizens’ attitudes and levels of trust in the state.

Similarly, when citizens perceive the state as biased and serving the interests of elites rather than the public, they are less likely to cooperate with law enforcement efforts. When law enforcement is seen as taking sides, it can provoke a backlash from suppressed groups, contributing to a cycle of violence and retaliation. Over the years, allegations of human rights abuses by the establishment have further tarnished public trust in the state. These include accusations of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, and torture, particularly in conflict areas such as Baluchistan and the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Instances of excessive use of force have also deepened discontent among citizens.

Moreover, the unchecked interference of non-democratic forces in electoral processes renders governments illegitimate, and the formation of governments with military support is a death knell to the public trust in state.

Nowadays, the public is becoming more hostile toward the state due to its attempts to control the flow of information. The more the state tries to assert control, the more it loses public trust.

To restore public trust in the state, it is imperative to ensure the independence and impartiality of law enforcement. Civilian supremacy and good governance can help mitigate public distrust. The Trinity cannot be maintained without a robust governance system, which would establish public trust in institutions and minimize political volatility.

Effective institutional arrangements play a key role in increasing public trust in the state because citizens only trust public institutions when they deliver services that improve their lives.

If state desires that citizens comply with its policies voluntarily, it should reestablish public trust by strengthening democracy. Public trust will be restored when people see that the authority given to the state is not being used against dissenting people, and that public funds are being well spent on services.

In terms of building trust in the state, the paramount factors are respect for the rule of law and ensuring effective policymaking and implementation. The state’s rule must become transparent, responsive, equitable, and corruption-free, with an inclusive approach for better service delivery. This includes establishing clear boundaries between state institutions and political entities, implementing rigorous accountability mechanisms, and fostering a culture of professionalism and respect for human rights. Only then can the state regain its rightful place as the guardian and protector of the people.

Thorough introspection within the establishment and remedial measures are necessary to regain the citizens’ confidence and to strengthen the Trinity to achieve desired outcomes.

The contirbutor is a student of International Relations at the Karakoram International University. Email: israrhuxen@gmail.com

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