Gilgit - Baltistan

Pictory Three:


Image shared by Aejaz Karim

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  1. I have this quote in ma mind that best fits this pic (Well, according to ma weak mind only), ” If the whole world were put into one scale, and my MOTHER in the other, the whole world would kick the beam.”

    Certainly and definitely, I don’t care how poor or how rich I em(or how much this world cares for me),: if I have got a ‘LOVING MOM’, a caring dad and a cherishing family, I am rich.

    All ma LUV, with all ma HEART


  2. Mother is a blessing and we ought to bow dowm before our mothers as have nurtured us from the very day we started our developmental stages as a human being.Despite bearing all the hardships they never happen to recolect the bad times but always try to act as normal as if they have beared no hardships.
    We should br proud of our mothers especially of the mountanous regions who have bundles of hurdles,obstacles and tough routine.
    We must salute the great blessings(mothers) showered upon us those are the greatest gifts to be cherished and to be affectionated.
    Love you great mothers
    Aslam Ghalib

  3. Bihisht Awo Xozg Nan
    Bihisht awo xozg nan har dard dewo xuzg nan
    Berem ki rehmdil har dil sedo xuzg nan

    Behor de sol chand ror ti yod de ton bu ror
    Tu waxti bistari marg cittesh yem ti ho xuzg nan
    Bihishtt awo xozg nan

    Tuwet cumer xushnasib tuwet ki yower qerib
    Shafqate xazonayi rehmat xudo xuzg nan
    Bihisht awo xozg nan

    Ti zoti tey mehrbon ti azmati negehbon
    Ti izati zu yimon her darde shafo xuzg nan
    Bihisht awo xozg nan

    Niholi xetk da xu dil ti jon xetk xu manzil
    Ti murodi vitk hosil ki teyi detun xuzg nan
    Bihisht awo xuzg nan

    Tuet ki merz yowi merz tuet ki setk yowi setk
    Ti ghami qiyomay yar takmil wafo xuzg nan
    Bihisht awo xuzg nan

    Nani yi shule deryo nani yi 8ajre soya
    Nani amish de gerya her daste dewo xuzg nan
    Bihisht awo xuzg nan
    (Abdullah Bai)

  4. A very true dipction of the responsibilities that a woman has to perform. in this era of globalization, a woman is equally in competition with that of the other segements in this society. Not only she has to struggle to survive in this emerging scnario, but also to look after her kids being a mother.

    A mother wants her kids to be equally competent and for that matter she struggles hard to fulfill every emerging needs of them.

    so there is no comparison to her.
    MOM’ indeed you are the best mom in the world


  5. ….get rid from the house of crises[world],goin to explore another planet for comfort residency…………..[although it seems 2 b imposible]…bt the story i think like ds

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