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Obesity is the condition where there is excess body weight due to an abnormal accumulation of fat in the body. Obesity in the past was only seen in Western countries but is now gaining prevalence in Pakistan too because we are adapting Western eating style, like pizza, cheese and chocolates etc. Obesity has been associated with multiple diseases affecting almost all body systems. In addition the cost of obesity to a health care system is enormous. Thus, it is important to develop programs that improve the prevention and treatment Weight loss improves many of the outcomes and yet is a difficult process for many people due to time consuming interventions which they could not follow because of their workload. Today’s busy life don’t allow us to follow time consuming interventions that is exercise for the weight loss but there are some other ways to lose weight those are diet control and behavior modification. Which is not time consuming and need some control over eating habits and change in attitude.

Almost all weight loss programs prefer combination of exercise and dieting but unfortunately exercise does not have as such benefit for weight loss. Although exercise has many proven benefits, it strengthens bones and muscles, improves mental health and mood, lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes etc. it may not be a cure for obesity, however. In a review of several hundred weight loss studies, Dr. Milers and colleagues at the George

Aster David (BScN - AKUH)

Washington University looked at 493 studies carried out between 1969 and 1994. They wanted to determine whether adding aerobic exercise to a low-calorie diet accelerates weight loss. Results showed that diet and exercise provides only a marginal benefit (in terms of weight loss) when compared to diet alone. The average weight loss after a 15 weeks program of regular aerobic exercise was seven pounds. Over the same period with dieting weight loss occurred by roughly 17 pounds. When exercise and diet were combined, average weight loss was 20 pounds, just three pounds more than diet alone.

In my point of view weight loss can be done by the combination of dietary modification and behavior modification. Firstly, nutritious diet is essential for good health and weight control. In particular, a nutritional eating plan will definitely improve the chances of fast weight loss. So avoid fad diets or any type of eating plans that restricts you to certain foods. Instead, choose a healthy calorie-controlled diet rich in fruit and vegetables, moderate in protein and low in fats. Eat fewer calories, it is also important to cut down on high calorie foods like candy, cakes, cookies, ice cream etc. Eat more salads, vegetables and fruits. Among fruits select those fruits which contain lower sugar content. Start with small step that try to cut 5% calories from your diet. Eat small meals but 5 to 6 times a day. This helps to improve metabolism, maintain a stable appetite and eliminate cravings. Carbohydrate, fats and protein are each digested differently within the gastrointestinal tract, but surplus calories from these three macronutrients are all converted to fat. Replace sweets and sugar items with fruits. Sugar in the fruits is digested differently than the calories of white sugar that are in most candy and processed foods. High fiber foods slow down absorption of sugar in the body. Many people starve themselves to lose weight fast but people lose weight by starving gets nutritional deficiencies and regain weight more quickly in the future.

Secondly, self-monitoring is the core of all behavioral programs and consists of self-observation and self-recording of those observations. The situational factors, behaviors, thoughts and feelings that occur before, during and after attempts at prudent eating are recorded. Look connections between the events in your day and your craving for food. Identify the triggers that push you over the line and make you eat mindlessly or emotionally.(Emotional eating is that you start eating whenever you get disturbed emotionally but your body does not require the food). In this way inappropriate behavior regarding eating can be changed. It is important to stay motivated, for that talk to others who lost weight successfully and seek encouragement from the family. Deal with your triggers and try to cope with it other than eating, like you can distract your mind by doing other activities and avoiding food at that moment. Don’t eat in bed or sofa. Stop emotional eating by eating in the same place all the time. Treat your body with respect, listen to it, and tune your mind not to eat emotionally. Eat slowly so you will eat less and digest it properly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that today’s busy life don’t allow us to follow time consuming interventions that is exercise for the weight loss but there are some other ways to lose weight those are diet control and behavior modification. Which is not time consuming and need some control over eating habits and change in attitude.

Reference: Miller, W.C., Koceja, D.M., & Hamilton, E.J. (1997).

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