Kohistan Carnage: “2 lawmakers from Diamer take responsibility for arrest of alleged culprits”

Special Correspondent
Islmabad, March 19: Provincial minister for Excise and Taxation Naseer Khan has said that two ministers, hailing from district Diamar, have taken the responsibility for the arrest of the terrorists involved in kohistan tragedy and if they do not succeeded to fulfill their pledge the government will use power against the culprits and they will be brought to the book, at all cost.
Talking to the media Naseer Khan said that provincial minister Bashir Khan and Gulbar Khan have promised that they would compel the terrorists through Jirga to surrender before the law enforcement agencies.
“Killing of innocent passengers can not be tolerated and it is the fore most duty of the government to unveil the killers”, he added.
“All the people should be united against this tyranny”, he appealed.
Meanwhile opposition leader Jnabaz Khan has said that jirga members of kohistan will come to Chilas on Tuesday for making joint strategy to nab the culprits. Talking to journalists he added that kohistan massacre was heinous crime and elders of both areas would fulfill their responsibilities to bring the criminals to justice.
These intentions and resolves of the leaders and the elders of both the Diamer District and Kohistan
are encouraging and appreciable and we hope and expect that by playing their positive role they will not only success ed to bring the culprits into the book but also ensure brotherhood and peace in the area.The people of Darail are also expected to offer their full cooperation to the leaders.
We the peaceful citizens of GB request our elders to come forward and put their energies together to remove the secondary differences among muslims and lead the nation for the common interest of muslims and the region.Islam is like a beautiful tree,which has roots,stem,branches,leafs and flowers.Muslim cummunities are like these branches of the tree.Why can’t we become like a tree.In my point of view that we could not understand the law of nature.What Allah wandts from us? How we should lead our lives? As a human being,what are our rights & duties till our death? We must think about above points and lead our lives according to the will & wish of Allah almighty.
Jehangir Shah
Why should the federal interior minister be telling people of GB regarding who is or is not behind brutal killings? Why is GB CM not doing his job? Is he incapable? and why are two ministers taking responsibility of getting murderers from jirga. This all speaks of corruption, inability to offer law and justice to our people and fact that all these people are protecting each other. WHo are these ministers? do they have interest or links in these areas.
If the culprits have been identified then the police and army should go into these areas today:
They should not tolerate minute of delay
They should not have listen to or be dictated by any jirga
They should arrest all directly AND indirectly involved
They should arrest all who have harbored these animals
The culprits should be presented in court of law and tried fairly