Gilgit - Baltistan

Kaira assures SDP delegation of Support

Hunza, May 05: A delegation of Sost dry Port’s new cabinet members, trustees and social activist of Hunza have held a meeting with Minister KANA division, Qamar Zaman Kaira, after the walk out of Saleem, Shahbaz and Barkat from a high level meeting in Islamabad. The delegation comprised of Nazir Sabir, Wazir Baig, Aziz Jan, Azam Tajik, Aziz Ahmed,and Nishat.

The delegation briefed the Minister about the outcome of meeting and the current situation at Sost Dry Port. According to sources, Minister has promised to extend any type of help to give due rights to the real stakeholders of the port.

The Chinese partners have not attended the meeting by declaring it as an internal issue between two groups.

The SDP representives will hold a press conference at 5 pm at Islamabad Press Club.

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  1. All of us are aware of our National and regional politicians, they are always prafer personal relations, rather then public intrest and political issues. He may assured to resolve of the regional problem of SDP, but would not be agree to take decision against the Mir Ghazanfar & his group. as far as i have information through my own resource , Kaira has family relations with Mir Ghazanfar nephew who is now provincial minister in this current govt of NWFP….as he assured his uncle (Mamoo) that nothing will happen from govt and establishment side..we do have to accept these ground realities and try to resolve the issues according to our cultural and ethical values.
    one more thing, it is my view why all of us going towards this issue… i observed 75% of our youth, political leaders, and intellecutals are involing in it…it would be better if we keep for a specific representatives of SDP to handle it…is it fair that a group is negotating with Formar management of SDP and others are discussing in Islamabad level………….may be it is my view but this will create more complicted issues either to get a way to start funcating of the SDP…..May God bless all of us…

  2. I think, walkout of Mr Salim and other members of his delegation from the high officials meeting in Islamabad on issue of SDP, shows threr weak position on the issue, this is not first time he use to walkout from meetings but he did several time in past, and this is the sucess of the real shareholders and landowners.
    Secondly i am not agree with the view of Rehmat Karim, SDP issue is not the issue of the representative but i think its major issue of our area, and people of Hunza must support the representatives of SDP, and i appricaite the support of the people of Hunza on this issue, this is not only support but it shows the unity and harmony among the people of Hunza.

  3. Instead of deciding the fate of Sost Dry Port, it is time to decide the fate of Ghazanfar Ali Khan, well done PT team, keep the courage up, don’t scared the unknown calls, it is the tactics of exploiters, it does not have longer life.

  4. i dont mean that there is any issue among the newly reprasentatives of SDP, But how does it will be resolve if different type of leaders, reps-, and political leaders take part and high light the issue in there way. this is basically issue of landownars and share holders. Morally all of us are supporting and people of Hunza valley are awakend by PT, the credit goes to the entire team.
    Asghar Kako, again i am saying this can be resolve through regional level negotations rather then discuss with islamabad level.
    one more thing non local elements are trying to get the benefit in shape of creating such issues….it was our past experience…so we all of us to think wisely.any way it is my view….i will not say disagree with have your own right and thinking.i really apprecitate and respect your nice ideas. it is called an educated and modrate intellectual based discussion.

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