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Farasat Ali

Long term change in weather patterns in a specific area or region is known as “climate change”.

These changes may be reflected by rise in mean temperature, pressure, time and occurrence of  rainfalls/snowfalls, moisture, winds, and others factors of weather, while weather change mean short term changes in weather pattern.

The study of climate change demands investigations on long term weather pattern to develop a scientific ideal whether climate has been changed or was occurred in the region, several studies on climate change and their impacts on Gilgit-Baltistan, reveal that Climate variability  and its impacts are gratifying progressively more evident in fragile ecosystems of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), especially Glaciers hub of the  area and other fragile ecosystems are considered to be more sensitive indicators to  global warming and climate change and  their   associated  hydro-metrological hazards of the area confirm the climate change impacts on different sectors undoubtedly , as climatologist know that  even minor disparity in weather can lead to momentous shifts in the local minor climate, which can in turn drastically affect fragile ecosystems ,rural life, livelihood and infrastructure. Causes of climate change in world are carbon emissions, rapid urbanizations/industrialization, and unplanned development, exploitation of natural resources, environmental degradation and deforestations.

The general overview about the climate change and their  sectoral impacts are common ideals and emerging issues of glob, but discussions and research  on climate change,  their associates hazards and long term sectoral  impacts  need to be addressed on priority bases  in Gilgit-Baltistan as well as in Pakistan.

Loss of  habitat, species extinction, less grasses in pastures, diseases in wild animals, pest attacks, increased frequency  and intensity of melting of glaciers, high turbidity in water bodies, heat waves, cold spells, droughts, could bursts, land sliding, water born epidemics,  avalanches, heavy rain falls, heavy snow falls,  lake outburst floods,  flash floods were identified in the area, disrupted  social infrastructure, commotion, limited livelihoods options, fragmented crops, and moribund poor economy are clear evidences of climate change and their sectoral impacts on  Gilgit-Baltistan

The most recent and high frequents  hydro-metrological disasters in the area  were flash  floods, droughts, cloud burst, avalanches, Glacial lake outburst floods, heavy rain falls  and secondary hazards like landslides, mud-flow and debris falls from 1999, 2000,2001,2002, 2005, 2006, and  2010 provide an overview to vulnerability and risks of climate change and their sectoral impacts on Gilgit-Baltistan.

Climate change induces hydro-metrological hazards and harsh climate conditions create obstacles and limitations particularly to livelihood options in the area. Due to heavy rain falls and land sliding in the area all roads among districts within the GB, as well as with the capital city,  continuously remain blocked  in different periods of time and years, which are  ultimate menace to transportation sector, micro business sector, communication sector, demand and supply of goods in local markets, local agriculture sector, labor work security, new invested  construction project, and other means of livelihoods options in the area.

The contributor is a Gilgit based Environmentalist.

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  1. “Fear-based appeals, especially when not coupled with a clear solution, can backfire and undermine the intended effects of messages” (

    I appreciate the valuable thoughts of writer and its a nice attempt to bring social awareness regarding the climate change, however, I couldn’t see substantive ways in the article that show how to avoid the ‘probability of climate change’ and its effects on G-B? In addition, we need to be careful, as I quoted earlier that there might be a fear of backfire, because the social priorities has been changed, its hard to motivate masses to give up many things that probably makes them feel deprived of enjoy modern ways of life (if they do so)… China is a great example in this regard and we witnessed Chinese role in Copenhagen climate summit last year….that was a great backfire for all nations..

  2. Its indeed an alarming situation that niether the fedreal governiment is serious enough nor the local geverniment to take some measures to metigate the enviormental hreats in the near or distant future.The same is equally appearing from this articel by only sharign the information aobut the enviormental threats and suggesting no any mean to deal with these threats.We expect from our educated people not merely to be just knowlegeable rather to prove themselves creative and learned.Just picking information is not enugh to lead our nation.

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