
Chipursan Local Support Organization demands swift action in the disaster hit valley

Sost: On the night of 3rd August 2015 a heavy rainfall caused severe floods in different villages of the Chipursan Valley, situated close to the Afghan border, in the extreme north of the country. The floods caused destruction of valuable livelihood and damaged properties of local farmers, as well roads and bridges. The Chipursan river was also blocked for several hours, raising water level and causing erosion of cultivated land. More than five hundred meters long road has been eroded in different locations night heavy rain turned in flash flood; it blocked rivers and many plants and cultivable lands submerged with water.


Sahib Hayat Khan, Chairman of the Chipursan Local Support Organization (CLSO), told Pamir Times that water channels have also been destroyed in multiple locations. He said that the crop yield in the valley will remain very low this year. He urged authorities to take stock of the situation and plan for the winters ahead of time to ensure food security.

According to sources, the officials of Civil Supply have failed to properly transport wheat to the Chipursan Valley during the last month.

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