
And Rumi is sad

Irfan Uddin

I knocked on a door. A stranger came out and said, “You are at the wrong place.” I arrogantly confirmed the address and an unfamiliar person responded, “You are at the right gate despite the wrong address.” Doubtfully, when I looked around the dirty streets of nowhere I realized that the perception of determining way is not unendorsed. The address I have is something I blindly transcribed. Anonymously, I inclined and gazed inside the shelter through wrecked entrance. Awaiting peace huffed and called me in. Scribbled mind was there to avoid every single opportunity which leads a disarrayed gentleman to vague but ultimate destiny. Alas! It is the similar dream which I am afraid of.

The destiny of soul is to imbibe spirituality which always knocks on the door. The soul, the pleading soul cries on the shattered steps of destiny. Eradicating footprints of legends are still fighting for survival against unjustifiable rainstorms. Here we stand on false livelihood standards. We stand for causes which are source of spiritual deprivation. On occasions of comparison, our own created jurisdictions compel us to form some additional values which lead us to ignore our real existence. Values which are much unkind for the modern generation are strengthening its roots around our natural existence. What we have ignored is our real existence against pretentions and contemporary created desires. Desires are unjust but reality of life. Humans cannot escape such episodes. On the other side, man is naturally chained to different prospects and dimensions where he has to collect treasure of peace and on multiple stages he gets worthless pain.

The perished souls starred the footsteps of ones who effaced their being against thoughtful considerations and now those souls are mean of inspiration for millions. Sometimes, I pray for the heaven and for the pleasing gardens where intellectuals are delivering and expressing their praiseworthy thoughts. I pray for those symposium where Shams of Tabriz calling Maulvi of Rum to be his disciple for spiritual enlightenment.  For the whirling moments of Bulleh Shah that he learnt to praise his Master. Make wish to grasp meaning of existence and pray for the ones who fortify your questions about meaning of existence and your role in disciplined but veiled drama. Guide your heart towards sweet melody of Ney and soothing tune of Harp. Such souls are inspiration for lives and do not make them sad.

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