
Scientific Studies and Our Youth

by Aslam Khan Ghalib 

Significance of explaining the benefits of studying science, in general, and most specifically, the field of biotechnology to the youth of our region, has increased tremendously. Science, since its inception, has insinuated human mind and triggered it to institute innovative. No doubt most of the things instituted are instinctive as during the process of exploration something else is formed with peculiar features that at times gives rise to incitment for its amplification and manipulation.

The world of science has emerged so rapidly in the 20th century that its expediency has grown very crucial for any nation, any social group, or any country around the globe. So it is important to expedite its viability.

Keeping in view its importance in the development of the human beings in different parameters,I would like our talented youth to be part of this “KARAVAN” for endeovering and making long lasting and glowing contributions to the field of science.  

Apart from knowing the past contributions of science it is also imperative to understand its future prospects. Biotechnology is thought to be a market capturing field in 21st century which is completely based on the use of living organisms for benefiting mankind towards a prosperous future.This feild will be used to overcome many economic constraints and will prove to be a field of generosity, field of mutual benefits, field of understanding and exploring nature. Moreover it will be a field that will support human interests at low cost and will also ensure the fulfillment of all their intersets.

Enlisting the top most significances of Biotechnology I would like to call upon the interested young members of the society to embark on to this field with the notion to contribute towards the human kind and to overcome the ongoing crisis that if not overcome could lead to the human extinction with the passage of time.

To be very honest our youth is not very much tilted towards this field and is more towards service industry.Iwould emphasize on this fact that Biotechnology will not only benefit individuals rather the entire humans who are running short of many things like fuel, health facilities, effective medication, quality food, quality crops etc.

Considering the applications and contributions of science towards development of mankind it is important for all those, who have keen interest in science, to join the team of sceintists for a better tommorrow.

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One Comment

  1. hey ghalib

    u r doing great job to advertise n make familar,especially the people of gojal to enter into the world f genetics n biotechnology.i reaf ur article n m totally favouring u n this m have remained a student f biotech but due to certain reason i have been swtched over to vision sciences.i think n pak it haz a few oppurtunities n overseas i haz tremendus scopes,especially n middle east.

    in 21st century the world will full fill its daily need from d aid f;petrol will replaced by ethanol which will b prepared from fermentatioin of varities f crops,n this populated world arieted land reduces n size gradually,n result labortories will replace arieted land where crops production will accur..n many more

    goodwishes 4 ur gr8 effort

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