Gilgit - Baltistan

Imamat Day in Gulmit, Gojal

by Asghar Khan and Zeeshan Ali

Gulmit, 13th July: Imamat Day was celebrated across Hunza valley with religious zeal and fervour. Different events were organized in all the villages of Hunza Valley to celebrate the examplary leadership of His Highness the Aga Khan. In this connection a very impressive and colorful two-days festival was organized in Gulmit, the capital of Gojal magistracy. Thousands of men, women and children participated in the event to pay their tributes to their spiritual leader.

On the eleventh of July thousands of people gathered at the historic Gulmit Polo ground. The day started with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran. Afterwards units of various institutions saluted the national and Ismaili flag, with support of the Silver Jubilee band, Gulmit. Assistant Commissionair, Chilas, Rashid Ali was chief guest of the event and Col (r) Sher Khan, son of Group Captain (r) Shah Khan, hero of the war of liberation of Gilgit – Baltistan, presided.

Dramas and tableaus were presented by people of different age groups, representing different organizations. Speakers highlighted the efforts of His Highness the Aga Khan for betterment of the global society and thanked him for his leadership. The historical background of the institution of Ismaili Imamat was also highlighted by religious scholars.

12th of July was reserved for musical and cultural events. Engineer Jabbar was guest of the event while Mrs. Nusrat Nasab, director FOCUS, presided. Local singers performed in front of thousands of people, adding colors to the beauty of the event. Young and old danced the entire day, celebrating the day when fifty one years ago His Highness the Aga Khan had become Imamt of the Nizari Ismailis, living in the six continents of the world.

Pamir News Blog invites all its readers to share photographs of the Imamat Day celebrations with our readers. We have received the following photographs from Asghar Khan. (the slide show, below, can be viewed only if a flash player is installed on your PC).

[slideshow id=1729382256928262150&w=426&h=320]

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  1. Asghar thank you for sharing such a nice moment with us, the slide show is awesome

    Jovid Aly

    Dushanbe ,Tojikiston

  2. Wishig happy IMAMAT DAY ,nice to see this jubilation $ festivities
    excellent application of technology,well done.

  3. HAPPY IMAMAT DAY every one i have missed the happy moment to clebrate golden jublee imamat day with my family and jamat but i am happy to see this great technology wich is representing the celebration in gulmit gojal….


  4. A very happy salgirah mubarak to everybody.
    The celeberations in the region have their own unique style and attract many.The salgirah celeberations are really of great importance and have remained a soure of happiness and a source of contentment from the very start.Everyone tries to rush to the region to ensure his presence in these beautiful and eye catchy events and remain cherishable through out the year.
    Aslam Ghalib

  5. Happy Imamate Day
    Gojalis Jamahate

    You are really lucky to celebrate the Golden Jubilee Imamate Day at Gojal Gulmit,
    And I am really missing the Golden Jubilee Salgira Mubarak Day in Gulmit Gojal.
    Keep it up the activities of Imamate Day.

    Ali aman gojali

  6. a very happy and warm salgirah mubarak from the deepest core of my heart to every member of ismaili community, ladies and gentelmen it is a great honour for us that we are celebrating the GOLDEN JUBILEE event of our beloved hazir imam. in the premisis of this golden jubilee to we have to show unity, brotherhood, genrosity, simplicity, tolorance, acceptance which must be the qulalites of a real ismaili. today we have to show that we the ismailis are one of the most developed and generous community of the world. the day is not much far that we ismailis will emerge as the most diciplined and developed community for which we have to obey all the qualities mentioned above.
    i pray from god that he must give us the strength to remain united and develop day by day (AMEEN)…

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