Gilgit - BaltistanPakistanPolitics

Pamir Times Poll

Dear Readers

As you can see from the press releases Pamir Times is receiving from different quarters, the election fever has started building already. In democractic societies this would be considered a very healthy exercise, because it allows voters to assess candidates in a more open and candid manner. Prior to creation of Pamir Times, there was little or not media usage during elections, however, this time around things, seemingly, are going to be different.

I want to seek your opinion on whether we should create a separate “PT Elect 09” blog for the purpose of catering to the political news or shall continue using the main PT blog for this purpose as well?

[polldaddy poll=1537079]

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  1. Dear Editor PT,
    it gives me pleasure to share my ideas with you, as you had proposed a seperate blog for the political issues, i think it will be good to share these issues on the main blog of PT.

  2. No doubt this is an important event, i would suggest if you create a new corner(say ELECTION 2009) on this existing PT Blog, similar to what you have done for the KID’S CORNER, JOB VACANCIES and others…..

    Best of Luck

    Nauroze Shah
    Kabul Afghanistan

  3. Election and political represntatives are very important to discuss on print media electronic medias and i will be very pleased with PT Editor and all its members if they will crearte a seprate corner for election 2009 and (Politics in Nortern Areas)

    Ali Masud


  4. Dear PT Family

    I personally appreciate if PT use separate blog for political news and political development.

    Ali Aman Gojali

  5. from thr voting NO need for a separate PT,
    political issues were already discussed on the same pamir times!

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