
[PT Election Cell] Altaf’s lip service for Gilgit – Baltistan


At one hand are the loud-yet-proud speeches of MQM chief, Altaf Hussain for rights of Gilgit – Baltistan while on the other hand students of Gilgit – Baltistan are being denied admission in Karachi University, being treated as third class citizens of Karachi.

Actions speak louder than words. If Altaf Hussain can use his powers to finish this discrimination, he would not need to speak a lot to win hearts of students of Gilgit – Baltistan. Otherwise, these speeches would be considered just lip-service.

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  1. Giyaaa Altaf Bhai………….. You have made a very good speech in City Park. The time was not so far when there will be MQM government in Gilgit Baltistan.

    1. dear and sweet Broother
      Never give your words when you only listen. give it more time to be processed with the realty that you and your society faces. It is right it this MQM who has killed may from the north. Do we neeed such people to speak for us. do we need only the south to speak our words. when can we speak for our self.

      eduction should not only be for earning and feeding it should speak your words.

      GEEEE AAAA Gilgit-Baltistan

  2. He is just a jester entertaining only powerful and wielding power over his own people to cripple them. Regretfully, our people are so gullible that they take fascist as their messiah. Pity on the people who are desperate to such an extent that they lost their sense of direction and drifting in an ocean teaming with thieves -Zaradri, product of dictators – Nawaz Sharif, and fascist – Altaf Hussain. PPP and PML did not do anything. But it is stupidity to believe that MQM will do which the formal could not. MQM tolerates when you accept Altaf’s dictations. Anybody dares to deviate from these dictates is condemned to death- a la Azim Tariq.
    I request youth not to get trapped in the vile games of Altaf. We should not condone merciless killings of MQM just because it is secular, nor we condemn Taliban for being religious only. The bottom line that make both MQM and Taliban strange bedfellow is their extreme intolerance. It is really deplorable that we become so much shallow that we lost the capacity to get deeper understanding that comes by delving deep into the issue not by accepting prima facie. Being skin deep is symptomatic of a self that has lost confidence on his very Being.
    MQM is just exploiting insecurity within the psyche of society and such society is vulnerable to intolerant agendas covertly followed by MQM with overtly brandishing Ghandian image. But everyone can understand difference between Ghandi and Altaf. It cost millions of rupees to Karachites in the shape of bhata (extortion) to keep Altaf Hussain in exile. Altaf is a vulture who feeds on caracasses. Before his involvement in gilgit-Baltistan politics he sent dozens of coffins to Gilgit.
    Despite all this if people want to elect MQM, we cannot reject it but we should continue opposing. Do not forget Hitler was also an elected ruler. But history vindicated Adorno, Horkheimer, Karl Jasper and other Germans who challenged Hitler’s fascist policies. We should always be on the opposite side of power especially when the power flows through the barrel of gun. MQM is product an age when Zia was wielding power at gun point, and MQM understood the point of power of gun.hence, it is ruled by goons who are holding people hostage at the point of gun.

  3. Altaf is in need of our support at the moment to make his power. No one is going to help us, its us who need to stand and speak now.

  4. @ Mr Khameto…..

    Can u describe me Politics in a singel word???? Can u tell me wat,s the really meaning of Politics..????? Do u know how a party exsist..???? Wat u have to do for exsisting a party..???? Wow Mr Kahmeto its great i thinku did,nt know any thing about Politics..!! Hey Man u have to hard work with Unity and Faith then u can make like MQM… A Party which rules in The largest city of ur country and they have Proved u with their work and their Unity and Faith…. For ur information its the party in which u can found diffrent peoples from diffrent areas and they are also the Members Of ur National Assmbley…!!!! Why u say that ” Altaf is a vulture who feeds on caracasses. Before his involvement in gilgit-Baltistan politics he sent dozens of coffins to Gilgit.” Why???? U know a singel guy from these????? Any of them are ur relative???? Just lisen m telling u that they were not killed by MQM they the the mambers of MQM and they fight for their rights,,,They devoted their lives for their party and for their Rights Like a brave man from Northren ares but they are not like U mr Khameto who sits inside the home and just lising that how much were killed..!!!
    Shame on U Mr Khameto….

  5. Mr Ehsan Ullah,
    It seems you are Mr. Know Everything. Yes i can give you names of people who were killed by MQM. Do you know a nephew of Dr Jalil from Basin was murdered brutally along with a boy from Skardu by the goons of APMSO? I am not mentioning murder of Zakir of Danyore and other in 1990s. My cousin was tortured severally in 1990s and remained crippled for three months. I am damn sure that i know at least ABC about politics.
    There is also unity and definitely more faith in Taliban. why do not you join them? in the age of postmodernity unity is not strength, rather diversity is. MQM’s tactics and philosophy is against the very essence of diversity and dissension. do not forget their slogan ‘jo quaid ka gadar hay wo mot ka haqdar hay.’
    I can speak against any party in a restaurant in Gilgit. but this is not possible in Karachi to speak against the fascist MQM. speaking against the evil is also fight. I am not like the people who are weather cocks and change their direction in which money and power flow. i did not do anything wrong to be ashamed of. i wonder why people are ashamed of when favoring murderer, extortionist and fascists? this does not mean that i favor Taliban. there is no difference between Taliban and MQM. remember the largest murder in the twentieth century was done by Nazis in Germany. Being a largest party in Karachi does not legitimize their murderous intent which you seem to do. i can clearly perceive that MQM’s kind of intolerance has already seeped within you. Your words reflect that thinking.
    You taunted me of sitting in home and listen to what other people say about MQM. let me clarify it to you. i have first hand experience of MQM in Karachi for 10 years. Second, with the blessing of bhai culture in Karachi where even a fox turns into tiger by joining MQM. Ramzan Danish was a big name but he could not do things in gilgit which he did in Karachi. in the end i just want to add that i have great regret that i considered answering an intolerant person like you without reason.

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