
Struggle for establishment of “national political platform” in Hunza to be expedited

Press Release

HUNZA, April 7: A gathering of people belonging to different walks of life and varied political backgrounds condemned the ‘slow pace of work’ being carried out to release water from the lake formed on Hunza River.

According to a press release participants of the gathering criticized the government for not being able to devise a rehabilitation plan for the displaced people of Attabad, Hunza despite of a lapse of three months since the January 4 disaster.

Speakers said that the need for developing a ‘national political platform’ in Hunza valley is need of the hour and the process needs to be expedited.

The gathering also criticized a comment attributed to the chief minister in which he had allegedly tagged the people of Hunza as ‘ungrateful’.

The decision of transferring Dr. Khawaja to THQ Gulmit was also condemned by the gathering, according to the press release. The participants demanded rescinding of the transfer order immediately.

The decision of ‘converting a veterinary hospital to DC house’ was also criticized and condemned. The decision was termed to be ‘a gift from the so-called democratic government’.

The nomination of PPP activists in village councils was also condemned and it was demanded that members of the village councils shall be selected in open community meetings, through consensus.

Inability of the government to pay compensation to people affected by the KKH expansion project was also condemned and criticized.

Prominent among those attending the meeting were Eng. Aman Ullah khan, Sultan Madad, Mujahid Ullah Baig, Ejaz Ullah Baig, Numberdar Mashghul Alam, Ghulam Murtaza, Ikram Ullah Baig and Salman Arif.

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  1. It is a good and bold step to establish a “National Political Platform” in Hunza to monitor development and humanitarian activities and new initiatives in Hunza and even in GB. However among the prominent participants there is zeo representation from upper and lower Hunza ????

    Nominations for village council members rest with the villagers not with the so called PPP jeyaleys… this will be an anti democratic process.

    The protest against the Transfer of Dr. Khawaja seems a political agenda. Is it one of the mandates of establishing the Political Forum???? and why is the Political Forum Unhappy for Dr. Khawaja to serve in Gulmit?????? Any Dr. should volunteer to serve in the disaster hit area, rather than refusing and lobbying for personal favour. He is Government servant so should follow the orders from the concern department.

    Here in Hunza our local people have less consideration for the upper and lower part. The press release doesn’t say any thing about Upper Hunza and the lose of houses, trees and land in Ayeenabad and Shishket and the suffering of people of Gojal due to mobility constraints. Don’t they need any compensation and releif????

  2. Dear zulfiqar and Noor Muhammad,

    First of all let me say, we are not able to follow what you publish at you blog often. Regarding this press release there a number of points, which are not related to our point of view. Because i have got the copy of this gathering, which was circulated by Mr. Sultan Madad. Who is socially a numbardar (head man of his tribe Barataling) but we see he is less involve in social service but more in politics of your and his interests. We had no objection about the transfer of Dr. Khwaja Khan from civil hospital karimabad to Galmit. Because this is what is just normal and Galmit is more in need of such a good doctor these days. Neither we had expressed our interest to establishment
    any “national political platform” . Because we know our national platform is Pakistan and Pakistani nation, not just Hunza / Gojal. So please do not use our names for any such propaganda in any means for your own plans. We might be compelled the court then.

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