
Work on the spillway stopped

PT Report

Hunza, May 16: The Frontier Works Organization (FWO) has stopped excavation of a spillway on barrier of the lake formed in Hunza Valley as a result of the Attabad landslide disaster. The risk of spillover or outburst has increased exponentially, as the free board is reduced to 28 ft as a result of surging water level, with increase of the Hunza River inflow to around 2500 Cusecs. Daily average water rise level in the lake according to informed sources is 3 ft.

The FWO has failed to achieve its target of reducing height of the lake barrier by 30 meters. An FWO official told the media a few days back the height of the barrier had been reduced by 24 meters but independent sources claim that only 16 meters of the barrier’s height had been reduced.

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  1. thanks FWO..nw learn sme swimming feats.ds means d ants dance which u been doing 4 almost 4 months is of no use.instead of sinking millions in trying a spillway,putting a single motor at work would have dne d job..contrary d situation nw poses a massive THREAT on both side of d lake.u deserve what nw

    1. dear farman
      I am not a military guy neither have any close relative there.
      I have been to these areas and seen many land slides and road blockings. But this one seems to be huge unconventional blockade with unusual circumstances. I have no counts of how many bulldozers and excavaters fwo may have in these areas, but for sure i know reparable roads and curves are numerous. So i think we should give them a little room.
      How about your municipal government or local bodies, where are they what are they doing?
      now you have a provincial autonomy in place, what are high ups doing with this?
      this does not absolve army or fwo or even us from the responsiblity, but still i think we are always too harsh on the people have some credit to keep the roads open.

      best regards


  2. I belong to Altit and live in Lahore. We are getting the updates through Geo News but it is all scattered information. Nothing seems to be so clear. Could you please brief the real situation.

  3. i believe that we should give some kind of ideas to our fellows instead of fighting. according to my thinking if all the people which were there work at there with there own then they could be the best man power. they could do there best as they are facing. it is very easy to write something from here but difficult to face the truth. FWO should not stop work there they should remain there work start and on the other end of the river they should build the DAM wall, its not too late but it can be done if we want to do because, we can do just we should have the believe and struggle hard work. so lets pray for our fellows …..

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