
Prime Minister Gillani announces Rs 50 million for flood afectees of GB

Prıme Mınıster addressıng a gatherıng

By Naweed-e-Sahar

Gilgit August 24:  Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani visited the flood affected areas of Gilgit and Ghizar district on Monday. He announced a sum of Rs. 50 million for the flood afectees of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The Prime Minister of Pakıstan Sayed Yousuf Raza Gıllanı has announced an initial relief package of Rs. 5o million for the flood affectees of Gilgit-Baltistan. He said this while talking to public gatherings in Gilgit and Ghizar.

Earlier the Prime Minister arrived at Gilgit airport in the morning and was received by Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan Sayed Mehdi Shah. The Speaker and members of GBLA were also present at the occasion.

The premier also paid a visit to Hundur Yasin and offered Fateha at the grave of Martyr of Kargil Hawaldar Lalik Jan,   Nishan-e-Hyder . The Prime Minister announced to establish field hospitals in the affected areas and said that additional food items of Rs. 20 million would be distributed among the afectees. The educational expences of the children affected by the floods would be paid by the Government.

Chief Minister GB told the media that the 20 million aid announced by Gilani is not part of the 12 billion demanded for complete rehabilitation of the region’s affected population.

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  1. 50 million is a very small amount for the rehabilitaion of flood affected areas. PM is just making jok with the people of GLT/BLN. He is making drama only.

  2. a penny saved is a penny earned
    if its an announcement it can be done in ISB
    was there a need to spend money inconvenience the people and bring everything to a standstill just to announce a pittance?

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