
People from Gilgit-Baltisan hold Eid get-together in New York

New York – Sohni Watan Gilgit-Baltistan, a cultuarl forum in New York organised an Eid get together for the people from GB residing in New York city. The event took place in  Queens, New York. Malka Baltistani  and  Dr. Maqsood Jaafri Political Advisor of President Zardari  on Kashmir Affaris were the chief guests on the occasion.

Adrresing the gathering  Dr. Jafferi said, ” Gilgit-Baltistan is a  unique place on eatrh due to its scenic beauty and its immaculate people. My association with GB and its people is more than two decades”.

Malika Baltistani said that the current natual disasters due to landslides and floods is not a curse but an exam from God. She criticised the role of Goverment’s response during the Gojal-Hunza Lake disaster and  the floods in Baltistan and elswhere in GB. She also condemned the lowering of budget of GB by the current regime and the influence of world powers in the region. She reiterated that the sectarian conflicts ithe area is due to external forces and world powers who want to gain their intersts by spreading disarray among the people of GB.

The audience were enthralled by songs and ghazals sung by Khalid, Imtiaz, Mohd Ali, Rizwan, Talib and Shamsud-Din.  The audiences danced to the tunes of folk songs from Gilgit-Balistan.

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