
[Pictorial] Spillway of the dammed Hunza River

Images: Zulfiqar Ali Khan

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  1. While going through these pictures I feel like someone is scratching the wounds with a dead edge knife …….. In one picture showing the FWO work in process …..I am still in state of shock that how come the corrupt workers of a corrupt organization can deal with this huge disaster …… they are digging the so called spillway violating all the rules and safety measures, even though they are not able to construct a simple duct.
    Thanks allot Zulifiqar bhai for the contribution and selfless service.

  2. These pictures are good and show the current state of play.

    There are conflicting reports: some say Chinese have been contracted to deepen and widen the spillway and also construct KKH bypass around Attabad.
    Other report suggests that FWO (the famous organisation that messed up the spillway construction in first place) has been given a contract to deepen the spillway.
    And some say both of the above are correct.

    Unfortunately post July-Aug-Sep mega floods in Pakistan, Attabad has been put on sort of back-burner. FOCUS is still doing rehabilitation and relief work in Attabad area and dialouging with Government and NDMA to speed up the work at Attabad and re-open the KKH.

    There are lessons to be learned from Attabad: one of them being that NGOs like FOCUS are normally the first responders and continue working and helping the local communities long after media attention has finished and fly by night NGOs disappear from scene.

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