
Danish Ambassador Climbs with Pakistani mountaineer to promote positive image of Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (PR): The Danish ambassador to Pakistan, Mr. Uffe Wolffhechel   made a landmark initiative to promote the importance of gender   equality by climbing a rock wall with one of Pakistan?s most   courageous female mountaineers, Samina Baig, who was also supported by   the Danish Embassy on her latest winter expedition.

Mr. Wolffhechel took upon this innovative method to send a message on   behalf of the Government of Denmark to the people and especially the   youth of Pakistan.

The Ambassador shared that the Danish Government is supporting a new development program for Pakistan with a strong emphasis on support for

Danish Ambassador with Samina Khayal

education.  The future of Pakistan lies with educating the youth to   create new opportunities. Our support for Samina?s courageous winter   expedition was driven by our aspiration to promote a youth role model   of Pakistan and of gender equality. Samina is an example of a positive   and dynamic part of Pakistan seldom covered by the international  media  that we are proud to promote. Her climbing also draws to the  attention  the beauty of the pristine mountains of Pakistan?.

The event was held at the Rawal Lake under the presence of   representatives from the Pakistan Youth Outreach, the Danish Embassy   and general public who came to see the unusual event.

This special event was a follow up to Samina’s recent return from her   winter climbing expedition in the Karakorum, which had been   financially supported by the Government of Denmark. Samina is the   first ever Pakistani female to have embarked on a high altitude winter   climbing expedition. Earlier in 2010 she climbed an unclimbed peak  of  6400 meters. This was Samina?s first expedition and ascent. The   mountain she climbed, Chashksin Sar has now been renamed Samina Peak   in her honour.

Speaking to Samina, she said that ?it is my intention to motivate more   women to participate as this will give a message of confidence to   females everywhere that if a young woman can climb a mountain, she can   do anything. Samina is also a part of the Pakistan Youth Outreach,  a  local organization established by her brother Mirza. They are both   extremely motivated to reach out to the youth in schools, colleges and   universities and educate them about the mountain adventures in  Pakistan.

The event was also held in line to further promote the UN Millennium   Development Goals for women and youth which include gender equality   and promoting education.

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  1. Best of luck samina with your supporter and climbing partner.this is somthing which is our dream and thanks for mirza for his outstanding efferts . these sort of combination will bring deffinetly change and expose the reall image of pakistan.
    once agian take care and have a successfull trip.

  2. Samina,
    Great job! Keep it up with bursting zeal and Zeist , I hope that the day is not far when you will a renowned personality of the world. I hope, you will continue your study along with this activity as well, that we provide you a base for your grooming an flourishing career and life. Being a brother I am very happy and proud of you , not only me but all of ourfamily members engrossed by your enthusiastic effort.
    It is you, who created this opportunity for samina and keep your efforts up of exploring new and ground-breaking ways of activities that could give Samina a more rapid and accelerating exposure opportunities.
    Best of luck for your future

    G.M Shimshali
    M&E Officer (EDIP) AKESP

  3. I am really happy with the vision which Mr. Mirza Ali is havingfor the Pakistan Youth Outreach organization. we are proud of our talents and the vision deriving these talents. we hope this initiatives and others taken by Mr. Mirza Ali will have far reaching results.We being a forward looking community pay tribute to Samia for paving the way forward and hope she continues with the same zeal.
    I am sure the energetic youth of Gojal will like to be part of such endavours and ofcourse there lies a success in it.

    Sher Khan

  4. Congratulation Samina.

    Congratulation to all the climbers and supporters. You all are showing the true side of Pakistani spirit. Hope to see more and more Pakistani boys and girls to join the sport of climbing through your initiatives. God Bless you all.


  5. Shobosh! Samina you have really made us proud. Keep it up. Thanks to the Danish ambassador for his effort.

  6. Well done Samina, Great effort you are on top of summit again. This is a positive activity from a female youth, but if you want to be ideal for the youngsters than you have to set a culture of modesty and professionalism in the harsh mountains of GB.Gojal is passing through crises at many front such achievements are great and beyond praise and phrase. You are a trend setter now be dedicated and focused in your studies and climbing endeavor, I watched your interview with Geo TV that was also inspiring for the womenfolk of GB, Congratulations to you and your family.

    Keep Moving
    Saleem Khan

  7. Congratulations Samina for this courageous effort. Well done – you have made Pakistan proud and have paved a way forward for the women of this country. There is nothing that they cannot do now. All the very best in all your future endeavors, your studies as well as mountaineering. May you achieve greater heights as you go along.
    Mirza – my best wishes to you too for supporting and guiding your sister. This is a source of great pride for us and especially for me and my family, for having known you personally.
    Good luck to you both.

  8. Many Congratulation to Samina, her family members and partners

    Your achievement made all of us proud. Still there is way and I do hope you will go for that. Best of luck for your coming achievements.

    Rahim Khan

  9. I am really happy with the vision which Mr. Mirza Ali is having for the Pakistan Youth Outreach organization. we are proud of our talents Sister and the vision deriving these talents. we hope this initiatives and others taken by Mr. Mirza Ali will have far reaching results.We being a forward looking community pay tribute to Samia for paving the way forward and hope she continues with the same zeal.
    I am sure the energetic youth of Gojal will like to be part of such endavours and ofcourse there lies a success in it. Sarfraz khan Bhadakshan

  10. Samina, we are proud of you and your brother. It’s amazing that a mountain would be known as SAMINA PEAK. Wow, what a great ownership for you, your family, us, all the Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan and even Asian countries.

    It’s a wonderful lesson that we all need to learn from your brother. His visionary thought, his encouraging and supportive behavior, his facilitation in action seemed to play a greater role in giving you this specific name. Excellent both.
    However, I would really appreciate the Danish Ambassador and all others to name the brother in a similar way. It doesn’t mean there is a competition among brother and sister but as a human being, everyone (men or women) need a reward. Though both are siblings still Samina cannot be Mirza and Mirza cannot be Samina because both are two separate personalities so both need a good identity.

    People must be thinking, why I said that????? Let me explain.

    When Gilgit Baltistan was far away from development, the Aga Khan Development Network, particularly the Aga Khan Education Services, Pakistan (AKES, P) mobilized parents and communities to allow girls education. Few and gradually many of them accepted and went through the change process. They became role models and change agents in the society because most of the attention, resources and time was spent on the girls education. The girls got schools and model academies, scholarships and books etc. However, as the time changed, people noticed a huge impact on boys’ education because parents intentionally and unintentionally spent their little resources, energies and time on their daughters and the boys got neglected. Though few of the boys tried their best to continue their education, support their families or finance their own education but for most of the boys, it was very difficult. As a result, the society got dis-balanced.

    The motivated families who played their role as change agents became the victims in front of their sons, whom they rely on, when they get old. However, the girls and women confronted guilty problems.

    So my appreciation would go to all the national and international NGOs, to keep a balance when there are such cases like Samina and Mirza. Yes, I do agree, if there is a job, or other opportunity, gender balance is significant but such example needs more attention and more critical analysis in making decision.

    Samina, let me say, I salute your courage, positive energy, visionary thinking, and particular skills in making this difference in our society. My prayers and love would be with you for further successes in your life. You may see many more successes and generate more SAMINA’S for our society (Ameen).

    With love,

    Safida Begum

  11. Many congratulates to samina, you did a nice job its not a matter of proud for only you and your family,we all feel proud for you, work hard and provide a platform for other girls of gojal valley• We all know it very well that the people of gojal valley has much more potential but don’t have a single good platform to show there talent. Now you can give a chance for those people who wants to make his Or her career in climbing mountains. Keep it up and become a role model for our youngsters. Karim akbar, university of karachi

  12. Well done Samina for opening up yet another field of specialization and talent utilization for females of the area……….. though climbing a mountain is not a hard job for our people but its international recognition was missing and you filled the gap.

    Thumbs up to your brother Mirza for trusting on your talent and giving you the opportunity.

    I do agree with Ms. Safida’s comments as we need to develop a balanced society in the future.

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