FBR not to legalise smuggled vehicles

Hanif Khalid
The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has opposed registration of non-customs paid vehicles. The Commerce Ministry has also maintained that it would not be appropriate to legalise thousands of smuggled large vehicles plying all over the country after securing tax equivalent to 30 percent of the deprecation value. This trend would lead to discouraging the legal importers and trade of smuggled vehicles from Iran and Afghanistan would multiply.
The FBR has agreed to the suggestions received from the Commerce Ministry and returned the summary to the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas (KANA). The former federal secretary, KANA Javed Malik had sent the summary to the Commerce ministry last year on the initiative of the chief secretary Gilgit-Baltistan.
The Federal Secretary Commerce Zafar Mahmood and Additional Secretary Kamran Ali Qureshi had vehemently opposed the contents of the summary and said the policy in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Fata, Pata, Balochistan and Sindh shall be the same as practiced in the GB. Thus the country will become centre of smuggled vehicles. The NEWS