Education and Research organization, MOTHER, reorganized

Islamabad, January 23 (PR): Mother Tongue and Heritage for Education and Research (MOTHER), a civil society organization established 2007 was re-organized in a meeting held in Islamabad under the chair of Dr. Inayatullah Ullah Faizi, a renowned scholar from Chitral .
Representatives of 11 language communities of northern parts of Pakistan, including Torwlai, Khowar, Gawri, Gawar-beti, Hindko, Dameli, Gujri, Palula, Shina, Wakhi, and Ormuri, attended this crucial meeting. The participants vowed to work together for upholding the cause of the organization determined to work in collaboration with all concerned stakeholders for the preservation and promotion of the languages spoken in the country with the primary focus in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan andKashmir.
Being an umbrella organization, MOTHER objectifies itself to provide a platform for the language activists, researchers, poets, literary people and others belonging to the language communities in Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindukush and Pamir regions for the promotion, preservation and over all development of these languages and cultures as they are, in the process of globalization, prone to endearment (and even few languages reported at risk of extinction such as Dumaaki language in Gilgit-Baltistan.
The representatives of variety of languages therefore passed a unanimous resolution and appreciated the open-hearted decision of the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa government to establish a regional languages authority for the teaching and promotion of languages spoken in the KPK province. The resolution demanded the KPK government to involve the language activists, researchers and scholars belonging to the respective language communities during all the decision-making process, take them as board members, and the like. The resolution also resolution also diverts attention of other the provincial governments towards such inclusive and pluralistic decision of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and government so that to learn positive lessons out of it.
In addition, Fakhruddin Akhunzada, Assistant Director of Forum for Language Initiatives (FLI) and a planning group member of an international organization on languages preservation called Consortium on Training in Language Documentation and Conservation (CTLDC) introduced and launched the Consortium. He informed the participants about the objectives of the consortium. International launching of the consortium is happening worldwide with parallel events as it has already been carried out so fromIndiaandAmerica.
Besides, the organization also decided to commemorate the “International Mother Language Day” on 21st of February (next month) as usual and assigned a committee with the tasks of making necessary preparations.
The new office bearers includeInam Ullah(Chairman),Muhammad Ziauddin(Vice Chairman), Fakhruddin Akhunzada (General secretary) andIshtiaq AhmadYaad (Joint secretary). The other members present on the occasion were Rozi Khan Burki,Arif Ullah, Asmat Ullah, Farid Ahmad Raza, Muhmmad Rafiq Shahid, Naseem Haider, Fazal Amin Beg and Muhmmad Zaman