Sarfraz Khan of Central Asia Institute passed away

Special Reporter

His body was sent to his native village in the Chipursan Valley of Gojal, upper Hunza.
Hundreds of people attended his funeral prayers held in Islamabad.
Pamir Times is the pioneering community news and views portal of Gilgit – Baltistan, Kohistan, Chitral and the surrounding mountain areas. It is a voluntary, not-for-profit, non-partisan and independent venture initiated by the youth.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Elaihi Raji’oon. A Great Lose for the entire Region.
Our prayers for Sarfraz, ‘Ferooz’ – may his soul rest in eternal peace. His work for the community will never be forgotten.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
I express my sincere condolence and sympathy with our dear late Sarfaraz Khan, his family, sons, daughters, Brother ,sister&relatives may Allah forgive his soul with mercy Amen.
It is A great los not only for Chipursan valley also for cent real Asia
His Humanitarian work for chipursan valley will remember for long long time. After His departure it will effect many families
In the field of Education.
Hikayat shah
It is indeed a great loss for our people of Gojal particularly for Chipurson valley. May Allah give eternal peace to his soul and gives courage to his family to face this unbearable loss. Ameen. He has a great contribution in the development of our people across Central Asia and specially at Pamir.
Charlotte North Carolina USA.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Elaihi Raji’oon.
Uncle Sarfraz Khan’s death is a huge loss for all the developing region and most remote area,s of pakistan, afghanistan and tajististan.
this is unbearable loss for the deprived society,
He provided the education platform in the deprived regions, and very helpful for every one. His work for the community will never be forgotten.
May his soul rest in eternal peace. Aameen!
Asif Karim
Shocked by this news. Our heartfelt condolences are with each and every member of the bereaved family. (إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون )
We pray may his soul be rested in eternal peace and the bereaved family be granted utmost strength to bear this lose.
Indeed it was very sad to know the death of Sarfaraz Khan. He was a man of strong nerves worked with CAI in building schools in most diffilcult locations including Wakhan Badakshan Afghanistan and I had seen some of those schools. Many deserving girl students (IDPs due to Ataabad lack) were provided financial support by Sarfaraz Khan from CAI program in Pindi and that helped those girls to continue their education.
His soul may rest in eternal peace and condolances to his family members and friends.
May his soul rest in eternal peace. It is indeed a great loss for eduction in the entire region. His work will not be forgotten…
In shalla, Sarfaraz. I never met you but I felt I knew you from the reports of your good work. I pray for peace that you desired as well as education for all. Your work will not be forgotten nor will you. Rest in peace, dear friend.
,,,,,,Indeed a great lose for the community whom he redered the service. The community of Kergez and Wakhic never forget his Works.
Indeed a great loss to the family and the community at large!
Biyomorz Sarfraz bhai was a self-made man, known for his hardwork, courage and passion in doing things he liked to do. He was engaged in doing barter trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan on the Ziarat Chipurson- Wakhan border,was into tours and treks and tourism promotion along the border and also contributing to community development work in the Pamir region.
However, he will always be remembered as a person, who was not himself “very highly educated” in the traditional sense, but lately dedicated himself to the cause of educating girls and the poor in remote areas after his meeting with CAI.
Our heartfelt condolence to his family, Alam Jan Daryo and other family members, on this sad day, and also on the demise of uncle, a month earlier.
May his soul rest in peace, and give the family and friends the strength to pass the days of mourning in tranquality.
We hope that the family will continue this tradition of helping others. And the CAI teams in GB and Central Asia will continue the good work under the patronage of CAI to help the vulnerable young girls in their quest for access to better and quality education, as tool to improve their quality of life.
We are with you all on this day.
Amin Beg and family