Two GBians among winners of Human Rights Defender Award

Monitoring Desk
Islamabad: Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf presented “Human Rights Defenders Award” to a number of prominent personalities who have worked for promotion of human rights awareness and strengthening of human rights practices in the country. According to media reports, the awardees included Noor Muhammad, a social activist and leader of the Hunza Action Committee, and Yasmeen Karim, a renowned development practitioner and human rights activist, both hailing from Hunza Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan. Noor Muhammad received the award himself while Ms. Yasmeen’s award was received by her her daughter, Sehrish Karim.
Other awardees include Justice (retd) Majida Rizvi, Late Syed Iqbal Haider Advocate, Advocate Naeem, Provincial Minister KPK on Social Welfare Sitara Ayaz, Provincial Information Minister KPK Mian Iftikhar, Justice (retd) Mehta Kailash Nath Kohli, Political activist Rukhsana Ahmad, Human rights activist Dr Tahira Kamal, Journalist Narjis Zaidi, educationist Rasheed Javed, human rights activists Zaibunnisa Maqsood and Kainat and Shazia who were attacked in Swat.
The award recognizes the efforts of these individuals for promotion of human rights awareness in the country.
Addressing at the occasion, PM Raja Pervez Ashraf emphasized the need for implementation of the universal human rights declaration in its true spirit. He vowed to protect rights of the people on all forums and fronts.
Congratulations Noor Muhammad Sahib and Yasmeen Karim Sahiba. I do hope that you will continue your efforts to bring the killers of the two innocent IDP’s of Gojal into justice, who were assassinated by police and security agencies of Hunza on 11th August 2011 at Aliabad Hunza during visit of Chief Minister GBLA Mehdi Shah and hundreds of our youth were convicted under Anti Terrorism Act (ATA) as well as a number of youth got torture, humiliation and imprisonment on political enmity.
Congretulations dear friends! We need more HR activists from GB!
What a mockery of the very concept of human rights by awarding the people who enjoyed perks and privileges when NGOs entered for the first time in area. Noor Muhammed is a known culprit involved in murder. My head hang in shame. Mr Khudadad should have supported Baba Jan and his colleagues who spent one year in jail, whereas Noor Mohd was seen no where. Does he know that there is an FIR against Noor Mohd in Karachi? At least Izhar should remain silent.
@abid Barcha
@ Fida Ali
I don’t know if he’s the “best” in the world, but the person I most admire is Mr. Noor Mohammad, the person who continues to spread his healing message of peace and compassion even though he continues to be denigrated by the people like you.
@Abid Barcha listen carefully! Yes this is internet you are open to talk but remember you should talk with some logic and true facts. So case closed; get back to writing about garbage dumps because that is where you rightly belong.
A person who served for his people from North to Karachi fighting for their rights, who provide them plat forms especially for young students including ladies who are now living a normal life with good income. He never stepped back whenever he was called for help.
What you mentioned above just shows that you are a sick person; I have a serious problem with what you mentioned about the FIR. Here I challenge you to prove it, he will come to the court or custody for whatever the punishment will be. I doubt you are a normal human being??? How did you say that FIR is against Mr. Noor Mohammad without any proof??? It because he is awarded with the “Human Rights Defenders ”. Where were you before this? why didn’t you complain?
You know what a person should have guts to come front and to talk about rather then sitting at home talking sh**t over internet.
Once again I am telling to not to talk garbage sitting at home. If you really can prove about FIR then prove it.
@Abid Barcha
@Fida Ali
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression on Social Media and this is the beauty of the modern world.But before accusing somebody of murder you should and must at least a second thought to it and do not take it on a PERSONAL FRONT.
Before answering you properly let me give you a brief person of NOOR MUHAMMAD SAHAB.
* During student years of his, he used to be an icon of hard work, excellence and merit. He was the person to turn to, should our people faced any kind of trouble, be it on political front, academic front or social front.
* He is the first person to have earned name for both in Martial Arts and Social Work from GB.
* He is the first to score a Scholarship for Masters in International Development Sciences from Manchester University, England.
* He is the first Local Social Organizer and is considered pioneer of Grassroots Social Mobilization and every person from GB follow his footsteps in Rural and Social Development.
* He has transformed the idea of rural development into a successful practiced model in most of GB regions which are implemented all over Pakistan.
* He has been a source of opportunities and employment of 3000-4000 people of our region (I can provide u details for record) from various platforms AKRSP, HASHOO FOUNDATION and the list goes on.
There are countless details of bravery and valor and service to his people of NOOR SAHAB but this forum has limited space to boot.
Now to answer you !
“We” who have known this person who you are accusing OF MURDER, since childhood and who have seen this person fight for the rights of our people demand a “PROPER PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE AND WITNESS FOR YOUR FALSE ACCUSATION OTHERWISE WE WILL FIGHT TO UNDERTAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU AND ALL THOSE WHO HAVE MADE FALSE ACCUSATIONS.”
I request the Pamirtimes Management to clarify their take on this accusation.
Dear Nazir Aslam,
We are responsible for the reports that we post, not the comments that the readers make. And since Mr. Noor is a public, political, figure, I think he should have no problem in facing criticism. By posting this report we have explicitly expressed that we appreciate his good works. There are tens of positive comments on the news item and they have not been censored or blocked, which, again, shows our neutrality.
We hope that this answers your question.
Thanks for participating.
Dear Admin,
As far as criticism is concerned, i agree one should be open but this is not criticism, this is a serious ALLEGATION ! And with regards to your neutrality, I appreciate. You are a platform standing for Truth, Honesty and Justice therefore it will be becoming of YOU to help bring down such false allegations.
It appears that the award has been given to the wrong person, in the case of Mr. Noor Mohammad; because a genuine decorated Human Rights Defender would appreciate freedom of speech and expression, instead of threatening the media and commentators, directly or indirectly, through proxies.
It is not easy to defend human rights. One has to tolerate a lot of nonsense.
Freedom of press, freedom of speech and freedom of expression are rights enshrined in the global human rights declaration adopted by the UN general assembly. I am sure the defenders of the “defender of human rights” are aware of this basic human right.
Thumbs up for both of you and Congratulations
Heartiest congratulations for the award.Wish u the best of luck for futre also.
Noor Sahib Excellent!!!!!!! congratulations,
Congratulations Yasmeen Baji and Noor Mohammad Sahib, Best of luck for future as well.
congratulations to the winners
Congratulations to Noor Muhammad and Yasmeen Baji for their contribution as a social and human rights activists.
Dear Abid Barcha. We never forget the sacrifices of Comrade Baba Jan and his colleagues. I want all the human right activists to enforce the govt of GB to identify the real culprit of Hunza incident and to make public the judiciary inquiry report which has been intentionally hided by the GB govt.
Congratulation to both of you for this achievement and we hope that in future you ll continue your endeavour efforts for entire region.
Noor Muhammad brother, Congratulations!!!!!
I agree to Barcha. Shame all the Hunzukuch for forgetting his past and congratulating him, Pamir Times do not evaporate my remarks.If you do this you are with them. I am requesting national media to probe to this award. .
qadam badhao noor muhamed sab quam tumhary sath hy
bohoth bohoth mubarak
I don’t know Abid Bercha, why are you propagating such things and blaming Mr. Noor. This award is given to him because of his thirty years of services in NGOs to help the unprivileged areas particularly in Gilgit Baltistan and generally in Pakistan .Not only in these regions, but also in Iran and Afghanistan as well. Everyone is well aware of what Mr. Noor has done in past for the people of Gilgit Baltistan and what he is doing now for betterment of the region. I wondered after reading the comment of Fida Ali, “Pamir Times do not evaporate my remarks.If you do this you are with them”. Such a childish comment…
In Pakistan I lost confidence in Awards as Dr.Hoodbhoy rightly rejected the highest reward to bestow to him as there is no transparent system is in place. Everything is cluttered with corruption and nepotism. I don’t know what is the nomenclature of merit and what is their weight of achievement how people are selected in fact NGOs are doing good business by remaining non for profit on paper. Usually for doing good a job and performing well is part of employee’s performance appraisal as they are rewarded with all benefit they deserve. Award should be given specifically to those who served and struggle for specific human basic rights without getting any personal rewards and privileges Mr, Baba Jan was one of them in my opinion who deserved that award. Agree or Disagree this is my personal opinion.
When Raja rental was charged with corruption by the highest court and he failed as a minister he was awarded the position of PM. I can list many. This is a country where honest and dedicated persons are mostly sidelined. This is just the tip of the iceberg. As I don’t know in person what achievement is done by our current award winners I am sorry for not praising them too much. I hope they will start to work for human rights and dignity of human being in GB as they belong to the area.
Mr.Noor Muhammad and Mrs.Yasmin Karim may have done well to their specific area of interest and I will congratulate them if they really have done something extra ordinary regardless of their routine jobs.
We should all work for Merit, Rule of law, Human dignity, Peace, Sectarian Harmony Alleviation of poverty and Standing against all those who are against these basic human values for a stronger healthier society.
Congratulations to Kaku Noor Muhammad and Yasmin Karim for receiving Human Right award. Two people in one go receiving award from GB is great.
What are achievements of YASMEEN Kareem and MR Noor Mohammad? Someone, also, need to investigate whether they are or have been some kind of Jiyalas in Past or not? Finally, to recieve a medal from person like Raja Rental is a Disgrace in disguise of honor in itself.
Congratulations to both recipients, Yasmeen Sister and our hero Noor sahb.