Education for tolerance, pluralism and peace

Raees Kamil Jan Baigal
Islam and its civilization is corpus of code and Principle that govern Followers and People living within its jurisdiction. While Society itself is makeup of set belief, Traditions, and Norms which keep and bind relations in all Major components of society and get strength from Diversity and Pluralism within. Cultural and religious diversity has for a long time been a matter of lived reality in European societies and their educational systems in recent Past, whilst Islam has introduce it since fourteen Year Ago at Its start. Unfortunately, Today in Muslim Ummah Dealing with this diversity has not always implied shaping and developing attitudes of tolerance, respect and understanding towards others and with in Ummah as a Society. Now in current Situation the message of Islam as outrageously expressed is totally different from its original Prospective. Naturally in this situation our mind needs a Forum, Group, Study Material that encourage critical thinking, reflection and discussion on important contemporary issues and themes of relevance to Islam and its different tariqah within.

Curiosity and thirst since start of our movement in Social Media was high. which is now turned into a NGO and Forum of Social reformer’s and Thinkers in society like Pakistan need knowledge, Debates , Discussion and Material to form a Society Voice and Public sense for those silent but real aspects of Islamic Tariqa
After going through Modern Publication and research work on Islam I found that silent and forgotten chapters of Teaching and Ideologies which made Early days memorable in a sense that since then those days are still inspirational for current Majority of Muslim’s of World.
In Pakistan now a day’s traditions of conflict, division and segregation between people of different cultural and religious backgrounds have developed practices of intolerance and social exclusion in our society which if are not counteracted, social cohesion in society is endangered. Tolerance and Teaching from Glorious aspect of mutual coexistence in Past is widely regarded as an indispensable commonly shared value for assuring the cohesion of plural societies. This is what for which we are working to create under the Umbrella of Community Organization for which we are working since last three years, i.e. Gilgit.Baltistan Volunteers Movement (
Education for tolerance, Peace and diversity which is not rigorous in formal education in countries like Pakistan, informal education initiatives and Role of civil manifold there. Thus role of religious, humanitarian, and other community based organizations and action groups addressing these issues became integral part of their work to keep calm in society. Thus by Joining Knowledge Hunt Program , Forum and gatherings Not only we can bring corpus of silent knowledge, Network along with us but also share or translate all those in our upcoming Professional commitments and programs.
In our Social Media’s Interaction we got some Exceptional Scholar’s and Its Publications which open our desire, curiosity and road map to get purification of thoughts with Ethical and Principles values being practiced in Golden period of Islam and kept that society ideal for all.
No education system alone can create a just and equal society, and education by itself is not enough to achieve peace. Nevertheless, educational efforts assisted by other institutional commitments and actions are essential in order to create an atmosphere of justice, mutual recognition, and acceptance as preconditions for peaceful coexistence within groups and between people. But since our society is not a monocultural society, its a mixture of people of various ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious backgrounds. So how it is imperative that multicultural education be promoted to achieve awareness, then tolerance, and finally acceptance of ethnic and other diversity within societies.
very well written…
Creation of Gilgit.Baltistan Volunteers Movement is indeed a significant step forward. We must encourage such endeavors.keep it up.گلُہائے رنگ رنگ سے ہے زینت چمن اے ذوق اس جہاں کو ہے زیب اختلاف سے
What is the soul porpose of creating Gilgit Baltistan Volunteers Movement? I am confused, I did not get the point?
Tolerance and Teaching from Glorious aspect of mutual coexistence in Past is widely regarded as an indispensable commonly shared value for assuring the cohesion of plural societies. This is what for which we are working to create under the Umbrella of Community Organization for which we are working since last three years, i.e. Gilgit.Baltistan Volunteers Movement
an office bearer would be in a better position to highlight soul purpose/s of GBVM. however, following the page of GBVM on FB and going through its Constitution, i am of the view that, among others,following could be the motives behind the formation of GBVM.
a platform for youth, students, professional hailing from GB to contribute, in their capacities, for the addressing various needs of the people living in GB.
a platform to reflect on the SWOT(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and and threats) of GB and its inhabitants.
a platform to contribute during social and natural disasters
a platform to raise voice (sensitize) on various regional and national issues along with other social groups.
although i am not an active member of GBVM, however, i fully regard the efforts and time dedicated by its volunteers.
GBVM needs to demonstrate persistent efforts for positive change and that will be incremental and pragmatic.
Sir, I think your glorious ideas about initial Islam are misguided by the unilateral lessons of history and Islam in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. There were problems from the start. They were just people who did both good and bad. nothing magical about them. Learn about Banu Quraiza from Madina history and other poeple they brutally killed.
Islam was a compromise between teachings of Judaism/Christianity and the Arab paganism. It may have been a necessity of the times for divided tribes 1400 years ago but now we need to get rid of the plague that is affecting our children. We don’t have a future with Islam as it stands now. We need to embrace Enlightenment and Science.
@sonia ali
“Islam was a compromise between teachings of Judaism/Christianity and the Arab paganism. It may have been a necessity of the times for divided tribes 1400 years ago but now we need to get rid of the plague that is affecting our children. We don’t have a future with Islam as it stands now. We need to embrace Enlightenment and Science.”
I strongly disagree with you on the point that you don’t have any future with Islam. “Islam” that you talk about is not the real Islam, in fact there is nothing wrong about Islam, it promotes brotherhood, peace, tolerance and love like any other religion in the world. The problem lies in people who interpret it wrong,as they are mostly illiterate,or have no knowledge or wisdom to understand and interpret it. It is also because of the international media which under western pressure calumniate Islam.
It is also because many Islamic countries use it for their own political interests i.e It is common knowledge that Saudi Arabia finances the infamous Madrassas (schools) that preach a litany of hate and turn out thousands of fanatical Islamic zealots. Who in return fight for Saudi Arabs interest.Islam has no relation with bloodshed and violence as in Islam it is clearly said and emphasized that , “murder of a single human is murder of humanity as a whole”.
so dear the point is, Knife that you use in your kitchen is a good tool as long as it is being used for the right propose for which it has been made.
GBVM, wonderful idea and a very good initiative. Without believing in “Mutual co-existence” we cannot move even a step forward. This can only be achieved through sincere efforts of GB’s energetic youth.
@Sonia Ali:
You’d do better not straining that apology for a brain so hard thinking Sonia Kumari. And if you really must do that, then try comprehending the Banu Quraiza episode and the events leading to it in their entirety (by the way, no one here is under any impression that you’re capable of doing that or anything else logical for that matter). Try reading and understanding history and, in general, working a little on getting some education. Until then, shoo off!
I appreciate any effort to inculcate an attitude of tolerance but it is important to understand the nature of prejudice. By definition it is immune to rationality or education. And it is nearly impossible to change adults’ attitudes. One way of reducing prejudice and intolerance is to expose people from a young age to the diversity of world views. When you teach them that there is only one ultimate truth or right way to live for everyone, as we are taught about Islam, they can never respect other religions or ways of life on an equal level.
P.S. Sonia is entitled to her opinion. Twisting around her name and sarcastic attacks on her mental capabilities only prove one’s inability to live with difference of opinion.