WORLD SPACE WALK>>>ROCKET LUNCHING ACTIVITY>> Held in JA SUJO HUNZA, Karimabad Pakistan.. WOW.. Our Heartiest Congratulations, to Principal, Management, Teachers, Students, Organisers& Participants.. We all very proud of you. Keep it Up. for the future Generation, Hunza Nation.. Mr Hisamullah Baig,Will you please ask Principal. if you need NASA space, Educational Video m
aterials from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. I will b\e delightful to send .. Please contact… Thanks SherAhmed 9145639817
WORLD SPACE WALK>>>ROCKET LUNCHING ACTIVITY>> Held in JA SUJO HUNZA, Karimabad Pakistan.. WOW.. Our Heartiest Congratulations, to Principal, Management, Teachers, Students, Organisers& Participants.. We all very proud of you. Keep it Up. for the future Generation, Hunza Nation.. Mr Hisamullah Baig,Will you please ask Principal. if you need NASA space, Educational Video m
aterials from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. I will b\e delightful to send .. Please contact… Thanks SherAhmed 9145639817