DC Hunza-Nagar says people can check documents of KKH compensation claims and raise objections
Our Correspondent
Hunza, August 22: The Deputy Commissioner of Hunza-Nagar has issued Section 9 with respect to compensation claims of villagers in Hunza-Nagar. The issuance of this section, in plain words, means that the claimants will be able to check their compensation papers and raise objections, if any, within fifteen days. The land acquiring authority is duty-bound to rectify the objections, said an official.
According to a press release, the decision regarding issuance of the Section 9 was taken today in a meeting attended by representatives from different villages of Central Hunza.
A Tehsil official in Gulmit, however, told Pamir Times that mater has not been resolved yet and that another meeting will be held on the 24th of August for finalization of the compensation plan.
It is pertinent to note that farmers in Hunza-Nagar, particularly in Tehsil Gojal, which is the largest Tehsil of Gilgit-Baltistan, have lost tens of millions of rupees during the last 9 years, while waiting for the compensation of the Karakuram Highway expansion project.
Several protest demonstration have been held in the past to condemn the ineptness of the district administration officials who had failed to develop the compensation formulae during the last many years.
The locals have hoped that the current decision will ultimately enable the farmers to get compensated for the loss of land and the opportunity cost incurred due to the inability of using the land for other productive purposes.