A comparison of the Border Communities of Pakistan and China

By Muhammad Panah
It was really interesting journey for me to visit China after fourteen years; it provided me an opportunity to see the states’ (China and Pakistan) initiative for the boarder community’s well-being.
When I had visited China in 2000, at that time both border communities were living almost in similar economic conditions. Now, after fourteen years (2014), I observed big differences in term of infrastructure and economic condition of the border communities.
While moving towards China, I had thought that many things in our (Pakistan’s) Customs and Immigration system may have changed for the better. However, unluckily, I found everything to the contrary. The immigration department’s premises is a dump of garbage, human litter and dead dog body is thrown on the ground that is the departure and entry point of Pakistan. It, probably, reflects the nation’s mentality, living standards and maturity of the visitors of beautiful Pakistan. There is no water and sanitation system in the dry-port town and thus people resort to open air defecation, turning the whole area into a filthy toilet.
This part is being ignored constantly by the federal government despite of the fact that billions are being generated in revenues. The GB government has also failed to resolve the basic issues.
The other bad experience pertains to the centralization of the immigration processes. For the last two months, the immigration process have been centralized through satellite connection in the Sost custom, but the employee’s computer usage skill has not been improved before installation of satellite connection. Processing one person’s passport data entry takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Hundreds of passengers in a day are frustrated to see slow process of entry and exit at the international border.

When I entered the Chinese border, I found myself in a modern world. Everything are being operated through latest technologies by the border police in the check-post. The communist government has implemented systems to tackle each movement. They follow supremacy of law. There is no say of bureaucrats, no landlords, neither religious leaders. Basic human needs (food, shelter and cloths) are available for everyone. Wide metaled roads and electricity facilities have been spread in each village and even in the remote pastures. Education and health facilities are available for maximum population of the region. The inhabitants of the region are loyal and sacrificial devotion toward their country, they do not want to say neither listen wrong statement about their homeland.
On this side of the fence, the citizens of the “welfare state” (Pakistan) are still living below line of poverty; they are vulnerable in term of all human basic needs. If this big social, economical, infrastructure and political ignorance remained continue in future with this community, several discrimination realization will be increased in the educated youth; ultimately Pakistani border community will be felt distrust on Pakistani system of governance in very near soon.