Save the beautiful flowers of our beautiful land!

By Lubna Sarfraz
The beautiful Gilgit-Baltistan region is now a days facing some serious problems regarding its beautiful flowers, by which I mean the young generation. These problems are in the form of sexual harassment, suicide cases and assassination of young people. These problems really need to be addressed, otherwise there will be serious damage to our society because youth is the region’s future.
Once we would feel very proud that there is very low crime rate in this region but now a days the situation has reversed. The crime rate is increasing day by day and hearing about the heartbreaking incidents of Hasnain and Sanaullah, we are showing sympathies and start condemnation of otherwise on social networks. This is not enough to build a healthy society. We have to go to the grass root level to find the reason behind such criminal acts and take steps on practical grounds to avoid such happening in future.
We have to think about how we engage our youth in a positive manner because now a days many of our youth have become frustrated and violent for one or the other reason. This also contributes to the increase in crime rates, as well as in the cases of suicide.
It is time to sit and think and find appropriate solution of the problem so people from every walk of life discuss these severe issues and make policies to save their children and help the government to implement these polices immediately.
There are some possible options which help to prevent such incidents in future:
- Conduct Life Skill sessions for children.
- Educate the children that they should raise their voice for their basic rights in positive and peaceful manner.
- Make bullying prevention and safety measures are part of school curriculum.
- Make psychological care and support units.
- Government should make laws for child protection and enforce these laws in effective manner.
- Engage youth in sports activities, festivals and exhibitions.
- Conduct community base programs to bridge the gap between parents and children.
- Give technical training to such children who cannot afford education.
- Conduct health care sessions.
- Such media material should be band that make the child aggressive and violent
In conclusion, it is a responsibility of all us including parents, teachers, and students rather the whole community to play their role in the betterment of society and save our beautiful flowers from becoming victim of crime incidents and suicide cases and giving them a secure bright and charming future. It’s a well-known saying that “it takes a whole village to raise a child”