3 days training for journalists on Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) concluded

By: Gul Hamaad Farooqi
Chitral, November 22: A 3-day training workshop on Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) concluded in Chitral. The workshop was organized by GLOF project for local media persons to sensitize them regarding vulnerability of assets and people living beneath the glacier area of Chitral.
Mohammad Saleem Deputy Director Media & communication Climate change Division, Muhammad Umar Sheikh communication specialist and Hameed Mir were facilitators of the training. Additional Assistant Commissioner Chitral Abdul Akram was chief guest on the concluding ceremony.
Local press reporters were also taken to Bando goal valley which is in great thread of glacier and flood. The valley was badly damaged by Flood in 2010 where hundred of Acre land damaged by erosion by killing of 3 precious lives with loss of cattle.
GLOF project constructing protection embankment on flood Nulla side as well as 7 safe haven in the area to provide safe protection and shelter to local community in case of flood and natural disaster.
Talking to this scribe local people complained that there is no hospital, high school, college or road in the valley. They said that women folk of the area are shifting to Booni or Chitral hospital who expire on their way before reaching hospital due to dilapidated condition of road.
They also have established a Meteorological observatory in Bando goal valley for early flood warning. Disaster risk management committee with training of volunteer group to enable them for encounter in any natural calamity. They also provided all required equipment, with essential medicines and food items.
Local people said that Glof project will be close in 2015 who have kicked a number of protection schemes. Local people demanded from the Federal and provincial government as well as donor agencies for construction of school, college, hospital and road of the valley to bring positive changes in their lives.
On the final day of training workshop the participants were given task of presentation in group working. Addressing on the occasion AAC Akram stressed upon the journalists to must highlight these issues through their media to create awareness among the public. He said that no project can be success without involvement of local community. At last he distributed certificates among the participants of the workshop.
First, second and third award were given to group leaders on delivering best presentation.