Book Review: Ehsan Mehmood Khan’s “Human Security in Pakistan”

By Muhammad Hassan Hasrat
We should not ignore this fact that the human being is the main object of creation of the universe. Keeping this very norm we all are bound to keep the dignity and to protect the life of human being. Unfortunately, the world particularly Pakistan has been passing through serious security risks for the last few years and the human lives are endangered.
The book under review has been written by an intellectual of Pakistan, Ehsan Mehmood Khan in a very befitting manner in all dimensions of human security in Pakistan. It has four main chapters internally divided in many sub chapters.
The first chapter reveals the concept of human security while chapter-2 covers the human security framework for Pakistan. Chapter No.3 of the book elucidates the human security profile of Pakistan, comprising political, economics, personal, community, women, children, food, health, environmental, and education securities. Chapter-4 of this book is consisting of implementation of the concept and policy recommendations. This chapter has further sub chapters:(i). Structural framework (ii). Human security imperatives,Objectives,priorities and paradigm, (iii). Political Security: Freedom, Fairness and fraternity,(iv).Education Security; A literate Pakistan (v). Economic Security: Zero-Poverty (VI) Personal Security: Safety for all, and community security: Egalitarian Society (VI). Food Security: Zero Hunger (vii). Health Security: Healthy Pakistan (viii). Environmental Security:green, clean and protected Pakistan (ix). Women security: womenfolks empowered (x). Children Security: Each child secured.
The book under review is a well-researched and thought-provoking as well as interdisciplinary work and has given a number of figures, maps, tables, charts and graphics and pictures for ready reference and explanation of the topic. Mr. Ehsan Mehmood Khan is professionally an Army Personnel of Brigadier rank, but actually he is a top-ranking intellectual, scholar and a true patriot of Pakistan. We are proud that Pak Army is the protector of the geographical boundaries of Pakistan on one side while becoming custodian of the ideological boundaries on the other. He has written this book not only by hectic research, but also with true love for the country. The author wants to see Pakistan a strong, developed, civilized and peaceful country as well as every citizen be secured in every sphere of life. For this purpose, the author has put a number of recommendations among which establishment of 18 provinces in Pakistan is worth mentioning. His recommendations are based on solid justifications. Mr. Ehsan is of the view that when every community gets their due rights and self-governance, there will be no clashes among the people. His selfless favoritism with the neglected and suppressed communities like Gilgit-Baltistan and some other parts of Pakistan to give separate provincial status is unprejudiced love with the people of Pakistan. This book not only contributes to scientific debate for improvement of security situation in Pakistan, but a useful document for policy makers of the country.
It is hoped that this book will get positive impacts on Pakistan, and will attract the attentions of the readers not only in Pakistan but also from abroad.
I offer my congratulations to Brig.Ehsan Mehmood Khan on writing and publication of such a useful research book. The young generation should read this valuable book and try to implement the recommendation of Brig. Ehsan in the society enabling to make Pakistan a super power and civilized country in the world.