Video Reports
Legislators and professionals from Gilgit-Baltistan react to Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy’s 2nd Oscar Award

Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltsitan, Minister for Women Development, Superintendent of Police and a bank manager shower praises and felicitations on Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy for winning the Oscar Award for the second time. Reported by Abdul Rehman Bukhari
Legislators and professionals from Gilgit-Baltistan react to S…Legislators and professionals from Gilgit-Baltistan react to Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy’s 2nd Oscar Award. Reported by Abdul Rehman Bukhari
Posted by PAMIR TIMES on Monday, 29 February 2016
She is making money and getting fame in the name of misery of other people. Real social workers do not need oscar awards- after all she does not represent our religious values and culture and just becomes ‘gora gives her award every body think high of her. look st her social behaviors her dress up against our values. do not fall in this trap – just like malala she is exploiting for her own benefits. Can somebody even ask her a simple question” ” madam what is your education and how much do you know about rights of men and women in society mentioned in quran and hadis???
andhee taqleed se bacho !!!