
Exchange program leads to real learning

Afaque Ali

Exchange Program is one of the golden opportunities, experienced by the luckiest people who tend to be an ambassador of their country. From showing the positive image of my country to remove misconceptions of people, from exploring a new world out there to learn the true meaning of diversity and taking responsibilities made me a different person which I have never dreamed  before.

Travelling, from Pakistan to United States, has been one of the bold steps that I have ever taken. I have experienced a great deal of new things here,but I had mixed feelings before coming to United States. Now after adjusting here, I am loving every bit of my experience. The thrilling part was telling about the Pakistani culture and dispelling the misconceptions of People about my beloved country, Pakistan. It has been an amazing time out here and till now I have made so much memories that could be cherished throughout my life. From my experience, I would recommend the people out there to avail such benefiting programmes and to be an agent of change.

Afaque Ali, from Gilgit-Baltistan,  is in USA on Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange Program. 

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