Sherqilla Youth forum formed to work for the local youth

Ghizer (PR) Sherqilla Youth forum has been formed to support the youth of village, this was decided in a meeting of youth in village Sherqilla arranged by three professionals Yuosuf Khan, Inayat ullah and Engr Amir Hussain on 2nd September 2017. The key speaker of the event was Israruddin Israr, coordinator HRCP Gilgit-Baltisan. On the suggestions of speakers youth decided to form a youth led civil society organisation “Sherqilla Youth Forum”. The forum will have representation of youth from all segements of the society including different poltical parties, sects, areas and casts in the village. The forum will work against drug abuse, illiteracy , child labour, domestic violance and child abuse in the village. The forum will also make strategy for healthy and postive activities for youth as well as access to the resources including opportunities for jobs, scholarships, recreational activities, exposure visits and internships etc.
A ten members interim committee has been constituted for paper work regarding the structure and planing of the forum. The youth of the area are hopfull about the support of relevant institutions and civil society orgnizations for this postive initiative in the village.
Sher Qilla is one of the largest villages of GB having more than 20 thousand population. Lack of civic facilities, unemployment, domestic violance and other issues have created unrest among the youth of area. Thee issues lead the youth to commit sucides, drug abuse and other socil evils. The recent initiative of youth is sign of hope for betterment of youth in the village.