Sosan Aziz from Gilgit-Baltistan a finalist for British Council’s “Social Impact Award”

Monitoring Desk
Islamabad: Sosan is the recipient of the British Chevening Scholarship in 2007. She completed MSc in Gender and Development from the Institute of Development Studies at University of Sussex UK
She is currently employed at Economic Transformation Initiative, Gilgit-Baltistan (ETI-GB) as the Manager, Gender and Poverty. This is the sixth non-profit project she has been a part of and has an overall experience of 20 years working in the social development sector.
Sosan hails from a small village Gulmit Gojal located in the beautiful landscape of Hunza, Gilgit-Balistan. Her experience of studying from the UK allowed her the opportunity to work in her hometown in diverse roles including a forester, community mobiliser and a gender advisor.
She believes that studying in the UK has given her a major advantage to her professionally, and encourages young students especially females to pursue higher education and become equal members of the workforce.
Such ladies are truly our social leader in our mountainous region G.B