Drugs, You Are Ruining My Life!!

Azra Nisar
I really fell dumbstruck when a person dramatically changes his facial attitude after circulating cigarette smoke through his spiral shaped lungs. A normal face moulds itself into a serious tense face with some extra forehead lines. Nostrils skillfully giving out smoke clouds which lungs have send back. Some men become gentlemen magically right after holding a medium size cigarette stick. They make an elegant gesture to give a complete heroic look. But have we ever thought that these free flying smoke clouds could result in a dangerous acid rain? Or they can cause some terrible problems to our interior organs using lungs as a reliable path?
Cigarette smoke has proved itself even more dangerous than industrial smoke. In the boundless world of drugs smoking has grabbed top most position due to its abundant usage and ability to spread various diseases. It is labeled as mother of cancer. Open mouths provide entrance then gradually the poisonous smoke pays its visit to our every shape organ. After a thorough visit most of the smoke clouds prefer to reside there. Their amount increases with every cigarette, and eventually the respective person has to listen “SORRY” word from doctor, which doctors always prefer to say before announcing a jaw dropping news. Most of the smokers would have come across to at least one of these terms when their beloved ones advice them to give up smoking. Here is the list which has been designed by us before doctors. Cancer at the top its name is enough to frighten a smoker, asthma, lungs infection, respiratory problems, and most importantly financial problems which a person faces after spending not exactly half rather quarter of his salary on cigarette boxes.
So one can conclude the fact without any strenuous effort that “smoking takes both health and wealth”. Alcohol is striving hard in the race of drugs coming up with different flavors. Most of the people drink it as they are naturally born alcoholic. But they are not aware of the fact that some drops of it are ample to burn up the whole interior cavity along with organs. Flowing through twisted lungs skillfully annihilates our body. I would title it as a younger sister of cigarette because both sit so professionally on a table side by side with some heavy fried food.
Alcohol is not lagging behind in becoming reason behind some grave diseases. Its regular usage could easily blown away your ten precious years of life. May be those ten years could give you your best days of life. So, why ruining the whole life for some hourly pleasure. The floor of life could be carpeted with beautiful memories and deeds. But when our mind revolves around unwanted things then the soft carpet of life would gradually torn up by sharp headed bottles of alcohol and cigarette smoke.
The contributor is an alumnus of AKHSS, Hunza.