
Tourism recuperates in Pakistan with the repossession of peace

By: Karim Khan Saka

After more than one decade’s incessant war against terrorism finally we content ourselves with the good come back of peace in our country. It is a result of huge sacrifices of Pak Army, government institutions and civil population that the atmosphere we breathe today is satisfactorily peaceful.

The tourism industry deficiently suffered and observed a noticeable decrease in terms of tourist arrivals to Pakistan during the past decade. However since last two years Travel Industry has seen a new positive trend of domestic tourism, that has risen up to the mountains and other cultural touristic destinations.

The Ministry of Tourism Pakistan is also making excellent efforts to boost international tourism influx to the country, as lately the government has announced to issue group visas on arrival at the airport. It will indeed make the process of visa easy for tourists and will help in the improved growth of tourism industry.

Although the political situation of our country yet remains vague, but it will surely be stabilized as a result of check and balance on the mega corruption cases by the respected judiciary and NAB. The remarks given by the Army chief and Supreme Courte Judge, regarding the continuation and strengthening of democracy gives a ray of hope towards a peaceful and prosperous future of Pakistan.

The escalation of tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan could be taken as a prototype of progress towards prosperity. The majority of local people belonging to the tourism industry here have wrestled at firsthand in establishing small restaurants or hotels at the touristic destinations. It provides a great opportunity for the educated youth to earn their lives and it lifts a huge pressure of unemployment from the government. Further touristic destinations ought to be developed in other provinces as well in order to create employment leeway for the rising generation.

The Gilgit-Baltistan Tourism bureau has been doing a fabulous job during the past years for the promotion of tourism in the area. They have structured several cultural and sports festivals across GB in collaboration with local organizations. One of the major sports they added to the list of activities during the last winter was the triumphant launching of scatting & skiing festivals at Ghizer and Hunza valleys.  It will indubitably be a focus for adventure seeking tourists.  Hopefully the GB tourism will put much more power, soul & heart into their endeavors for the promotion of future tourism.

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