University of Central Asia joins SAP University Alliances

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan: The University of Central Asia (UCA) has joined SAP University Alliances. Now in academic process University is able to use demo-versions of one of the global software leaders and also has access to library with over 3000 different courses, from business intelligence to Machine Learning and blockchain.
The University of Central Asia (UCA) was founded in 2000 as a private, not for profit, secular university through an International Treaty signed by the Presidents of the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan, and His Highness the Aga Khan; ratified by their respective parliaments and registered with the United Nations. The mission of UCA is to promote the social and economic development of Central Asia, particularly its mountain communities, by offering an internationally recognized standard of higher education, and enabling the peoples of the region to preserve their rich cultural heritage as assets for the future.
Under partnership agreement University has the access to SAP platform and products. It means that students are able to develop their own solutions based on SAP software for real businesses’ needs. University is going to host hackathons, meetups and project seminars to help students to get creative and entrepreneurial skills. This way partnership with SAP University Alliances with increase human potential and competitiveness of the future graduates.
«UCA continuously invests into improving processes related to education and research. We have recently announced a significant digital transformation project in order to further improve efficiency of students as well as tutors in all countries of the University. SAP S/4НANA Сloud platform will become the “digital core” of our University. Membership in SAP University Alliances will enable our students not only to get skills related to software which is globally widespread, but also participate in alma mater digitalization”, – said Shaukat Ali Khan, CIO.
“In the age of transformation and move to global economy market desperately needs qualified IT-specialists. Access to best global IT-practices will help UCA students to improve their competencies, including those related to SAP solutions. This means that obtained expertise will help them to accomplish national projects of Kyrgyzstan digitalization” – said Semen Popov, SAP Central Asia Managing Director.