Aga Khan Agency for Habitat celebrates National School Safety Day in Pakistan

Islamabad: (PR) In 2008 the Aga Khan Development Network jointly with the government of Pakistan organized an international conference on School Safety in Islamabad. The conference advised to celebrate school safety day on May 16 each year to create awareness about the importance of a safe and secure learning environment. Therefore, on this day each year, AKAH celebrates the National School Safety day by organizing a range of events across Pakistan together with its partners and key stakeholders. This year the school safety day was celebrated through virtual sessions, engaging relevant government authorities, AKDN institutions, Schools, parents, teachers, and students.
Sharing his thoughts on the occasion Mr. Nawab Ali Khan, CEO Aga Khan Agency for Habitat said “Children are the future of our nation and it is our collective responsibility to make schools safe for our children. The school safety day also reminds us the unfortunate earthquake of 2005 when thousands of children and teachers lost their life due to collapse of structurally unsafe buildings. We need to make sure that this is not repeated”. Mr. Khan further added that “to keep children safe from the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic it is critical that School management ensures implantation of COVID 19 SOPs issued by health authorities,”. .
AKAH, since 2006, through its ongoing school safety programme, has engaged with over 1500 schools benefiting 40,000 students and 3000 teachers. In addition, 19,000 members of school safety committees, 6500 School Management Committees and Parent Teacher Associations have benefitted from the programme.
Through its school safety programme AKAH provided technical support to the development of Pakistan School Safety Framework, and the Gilgit Baltistan School Safety Strategy.