Two young changemakers from Gilgit-Baltistan named as members of “National Youth Council”

GILGIT: The Prime Minister Islamic Republic of Pakistan has constituted the “National Youth council”, comprising of young changemakers and leades from across Pakistan.
Two young leaders, along with GB Minister for Culture and Youth Affairs, will represent Gilgit-Baltistan in the council.
The two young changemakers making it to the National Youth Council are Izzat Rohe, CEO and Founder of Chkar Expeditions lodging & Experiences, and Syeda Maria Akbar, Social and Climate Change activist.
Maria Akbar has won several accolades and awards at national and international debating championship. She also availed AIESAC youth exchange in Turkey, and is an award holder of Undergrads exchange program in USA. She is currently serving at one of the largest Pakistani bank as a Relationship Manager.
Izat is the cofounder of Pakistan version first AirB&B startup Chkar lodging & Experiences. She has represented Pakistan in many counntries.