Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly members give themselves hefty pay raise

GILGIT: Legislators in Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly mutually agreed to give themselves more than a 100% pay raise during its 10th session held in Gilgit city yesterday.
According to the bill approved by the assembly, the salaries of almost all members of the regional assembly members will double. The assembly members also gave themselves the right to increase their salaries by 10% annually.
While Pakistan is railing under the country’s most challenging economic situation, the regional assembly, which depends on handouts from the federal government, has enraged the masses, who are calling the act adding salt to injury.
Per the new law, the Chief Minister will now receive over 780,000 rupees per month, compared to the almost 517,000 rupees he was previously receiving, a 50% increase.
Similar brazen raises have also been given to the Speaker of the house, deputy speaker, ministers, parliamentary secretaries and advisors, special assistants, adding hundreds of millions of expenses to the scant regional budget. The hefty pay raises will also significantly increase the non-developmental budget of the region.
Salary Changes
Position | Old Monthly Salary (PKR) | New Monthly Salary (PKR) | % Increase |
Chief Minister | 517,000 | 780,000 | 50.8% |
Members | 210,000 | 465,000 | 121% |
Speaker | 400,000 | 680,000 | 70% |
Dy. Speaker | 365,000 | 650,000 | 78% |
Parliamentary Secretaries | 257,000 | 570,000 | 121.7% |
Standing Committee Chairman | 240,000 | 565,000 | 135% |
Ministers/Opposition Leader | 352,000 | 600,000 | 70% |
Salaries of unelected officials, including “Spokesperson”, “Media Coordinators”, “Special Assistants” have also reportedly been increased.
Netizens have called the raise unethical and insensitive, especially when the masses are faced with unprecedented inflation and the cost of living for them has increased massively.
It is pertinent to note that the GB Assembly members, in addition their salaries, receive perks and privileges worth millions every year.